Number | Title | Signature Date | Signature Type | Proposer | Proposal Date |
1238 | State Of The Scottish Raspberry Industry | 15/10/1991 | Signed | Bill Walker | 14/10/1991 |
1146 | Visit Of President Gorbachev | 14/10/1991 | Signed | David Atkinson | 16/07/1991 |
906 | College Of Speech And Language Therapists | 14/10/1991 | Signed | Ray Michie | 05/06/1991 |
609 | Mink And Fox Factory Farms | 14/10/1991 | Signed | Andrew Bowden | 15/03/1991 |
966 | Coronary Heart Disease | 22/07/1991 | Signed | Roger Sims | 14/06/1991 |
921 | Future Of The Brigade Of Gurkhas | 22/07/1991 | Signed | John Wilkinson | 05/06/1991 |
1112 | World Student Games | 16/07/1991 | Signed | Richard Caborn | 11/07/1991 |
1099 | Deaf Students | 16/07/1991 | Signed | Ray Michie | 10/07/1991 |
1090 | Non-Racial Integration Of South African Sport | 16/07/1991 | Signed | Peter L Pike | 09/07/1991 |
998 | Disabled People And British Rail | 16/07/1991 | Signed | Terry Patchett | 19/06/1991 |
943A1 | British Sign Language;amdt. Line 7: | 16/07/1991 | Signed | Malcolm Bruce | 18/06/1991 |
937 | ENGLAND'S VICTORY IN THE FIRST TEST MATCH | 16/07/1991 | Signed | Harry Greenway | 10/06/1991 |
913 | ENHANCING THE LIFE STYLE OF BRITAIN'S SENIOR CITIZENS | 16/07/1991 | Signed | Dennis Turner | 05/06/1991 |
876 | Armed Forces Pension Scheme | 16/07/1991 | Signed | Eric Illsley | 22/05/1991 |
860A1 | Draft Treaty On Political And Economic Union;amdt. Line 1: | 16/07/1991 | Signed | Russell Johnston | 21/05/1991 |
857 | Speech Therapy | 16/07/1991 | Signed | John Hannam | 17/05/1991 |
844 | Pensions Of Former Zimbabwe Public Servants | 16/07/1991 | Signed | Norman Hogg | 15/05/1991 |
667 | Disclosure Of Criminal Convictions For New Applicants For Taxi Drivers Licences | 16/07/1991 | Signed | James Hill | 26/03/1991 |
586 | TOBACCO ADVERTISING IN WOMEN'S MAGAZINES | 16/07/1991 | Signed | Joan Lestor | 11/03/1991 |
337 | Building Conversions | 16/07/1991 | Signed | Robin Squire | 23/01/1991 |
205 | State Retirement Pension | 16/07/1991 | Signed | Tim Devlin | 10/12/1990 |
36 | Phosphate Pollution From Detergents | 16/07/1991 | Signed | Robin Squire | 07/11/1990 |
945 | The Eec Directive On Data Protection And The UK Voluntary Sector | 15/07/1991 | Signed | Robert Maclennan | 12/06/1991 |
996 | International Court Of Justice - Nicaragua | 11/07/1991 | Signed | George Foulkes | 19/06/1991 |
1094 | South African Cricket | 10/07/1991 | Signed | Tom Pendry | 10/07/1991 |
1080 | Raf Leuchars | 08/07/1991 | Proposed | Menzies Campbell | 08/07/1991 |
1079 | Playgroup Fee Exemption | 08/07/1991 | Signed | Archy Kirkwood | 08/07/1991 |
1055 | Contribution Of The Scottish People | 04/07/1991 | Signed | John McAllion | 02/07/1991 |
1044 | Fort Matilda Railway Tunnel | 04/07/1991 | Signed | Thomas Graham | 26/06/1991 |
1042 | International Support For Sierra Leone | 04/07/1991 | Signed | David Alton | 26/06/1991 |
1039 | Belfast-Dublin-london Peace Train | 04/07/1991 | Signed | Harry Barnes | 25/06/1991 |
1029 | Birthday Of The Dalai Lama | 04/07/1991 | Signed | Dafydd Elis Thomas | 25/06/1991 |
1027 | Toxoplasmosis | 04/07/1991 | Signed | Emma Nicholson | 25/06/1991 |
1026 | Co-Ordination Of Famine Relief | 04/07/1991 | Signed | Jim Lester | 24/06/1991 |
1025 | Royal Naval Medical Service | 04/07/1991 | Signed | Peter Viggers | 24/06/1991 |
1024 | Political Prisoners In Burma | 04/07/1991 | Signed | John Garrett | 24/06/1991 |
949 | ST MARK'S HOSPITAL | 04/07/1991 | Signed | Chris Smith | 12/06/1991 |
1063 | Smoke Detectors In Homes | 02/07/1991 | Signed | Brian Wilson | 02/07/1991 |
1058 | Mr David Owen | 02/07/1991 | Signed | Chris Mullin | 02/07/1991 |
1057 | Mr Maurice Buck | 02/07/1991 | Signed | Chris Mullin | 02/07/1991 |
954 | Freedom Of Edinburgh For Sean Connery | 20/06/1991 | Signed | Nigel Griffiths | 12/06/1991 |
995 | St Petersburg | 19/06/1991 | Signed | Russell Johnston | 19/06/1991 |
987 | Humanitarian Work In Northern Iraq | 18/06/1991 | Signed | Ronnie Campbell | 18/06/1991 |
927 | The Football Association And The Football League | 17/06/1991 | Signed | Tom Pendry | 06/06/1991 |
920 | Current Events In The Baltic Republic | 05/06/1991 | Signed | Margaret Ewing | 05/06/1991 |
782 | University Finance | 05/06/1991 | Signed | Keith Hampson | 01/05/1991 |
905 | Swimming In Schools | 04/06/1991 | Signed | Ann Winterton | 04/06/1991 |
904 | Fishing Policy | 04/06/1991 | Signed | James Wallace | 04/06/1991 |
843 | Forestry Commission In Wales | 15/05/1991 | Signed | Geraint Howells | 15/05/1991 |
831 | BRITAIN'S SCIENTIFIC BASE | 14/05/1991 | Proposed | Menzies Campbell | 14/05/1991 |
829 | KING'S HEAD THEATRE | 14/05/1991 | Signed | Chris Smith | 13/05/1991 |
818 | Smoke Hoods In Passenger Aircraft | 14/05/1991 | Signed | Stephen Day | 09/05/1991 |
815 | CHURCH LADS' AND CHURCH GIRLS' BRIGADE CENTENARY | 14/05/1991 | Signed | Peter Hardy | 08/05/1991 |
812 | Prevention Of Solvent Abuse | 14/05/1991 | Signed | Ian McCartney | 08/05/1991 |
805 | Poll Tax And The 20 Per Cent Contribution Rule | 14/05/1991 | Signed | David Blunkett | 07/05/1991 |
802 | Arsenal Football Club | 14/05/1991 | Signed | Jeremy Corbyn | 07/05/1991 |
767 | Assistance To Coal Mining Areas | 14/05/1991 | Signed | Kevin Barron | 29/04/1991 |
787 | Richmond Adult And Community College | 01/05/1991 | Signed | Matthew Taylor | 01/05/1991 |
770 | Cold Weather Payments | 01/05/1991 | Signed | Maria Fyfe | 29/04/1991 |
765 | Unesco | 01/05/1991 | Signed | Bowen Wells | 29/04/1991 |
697 | Japanese Whaling (No.2) | 29/04/1991 | Signed | Tony Banks | 15/04/1991 |
747 | Coats Viyella Bid For Tootal | 24/04/1991 | Signed | Gerald Bermingham | 24/04/1991 |
744 | Oral Questions On Sport | 24/04/1991 | Signed | Kate Hoey | 24/04/1991 |
732 | International Day Of The Midwife | 24/04/1991 | Signed | Ann Winterton | 23/04/1991 |
723 | National Museum Of Photography, Film And Television In Bradford | 24/04/1991 | Signed | Austin Mitchell | 18/04/1991 |
719 | Publication Of The Wresinski Approach | 24/04/1991 | Signed | John Battle | 17/04/1991 |
717 | Safety At Sea | 24/04/1991 | Signed | Alex Salmond | 17/04/1991 |
711 | British Aid To The Kurds | 24/04/1991 | Signed | Harry Barnes | 16/04/1991 |
705 | City Of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra | 24/04/1991 | Signed | Robin Corbett | 16/04/1991 |
694 | Kashmir And The 1948 Un Resolution | 24/04/1991 | Signed | Tom Cox | 15/04/1991 |
691 | Import Of Tosa Dogs | 24/04/1991 | Signed | John Fraser | 15/04/1991 |
728 | National Health Service Sight Test Charges | 22/04/1991 | Signed | Ronnie Fearn | 22/04/1991 |
607 | Duty Free Shops | 18/04/1991 | Signed | Paul Channon | 14/03/1991 |
712 | College Of Piping | 16/04/1991 | Signed | Michael J Martin | 16/04/1991 |
693 | International Whaling Commission | 15/04/1991 | Proposed | Menzies Campbell | 15/04/1991 |
668 | Devon County Council Capital Programme 1991-92 | 26/03/1991 | Signed | Matthew Taylor | 26/03/1991 |
599 | Mr John Mccarthy, Mr Terry Waite, Mr Jackie Mann And Mr Roger Cooper | 18/03/1991 | Signed | Peter Temple-Morris | 13/03/1991 |
590 | Famine In Africa | 18/03/1991 | Signed | Jim Lester | 11/03/1991 |
565 | Arrest Of Editor In Kenya | 14/03/1991 | Signed | David Steel | 05/03/1991 |
538 | Veterans Bill | 27/02/1991 | Signed | George Howarth | 26/02/1991 |
518 | Imprisonment Of Four Ulster Defence Regiment Soldiers | 27/02/1991 | Signed | James Molyneaux | 21/02/1991 |
492 | 50th Anniversary Of The Air Training Corps | 27/02/1991 | Signed | Bill Walker | 18/02/1991 |
531 | Retirement Of Kenny Dalglish From Liverpool Football Club | 25/02/1991 | Signed | David Alton | 25/02/1991 |
167 | Concern For The Mentally Ill And The Mentally Handicapped | 25/02/1991 | Signed | Nicholas Winterton | 05/12/1990 |
519 | Closure Of Blast Furnace At Ravenscraig | 22/02/1991 | Signed | Malcolm Bruce | 22/02/1991 |
465 | Emergency Housing Provision For Homeless People Sleeping Rough Outside London | 21/02/1991 | Signed | Llin Golding | 13/02/1991 |
500 | Merchant Navy | 19/02/1991 | Signed | Jonathan Sayeed | 19/02/1991 |
447 | Award Of The Freedom Of The City Of Birmingham | 19/02/1991 | Signed | Roy Hattersley | 11/02/1991 |
463 | POVERTY, THE ENVIRONMENT AND THE PLANET'S FUTURE | 13/02/1991 | Signed | Bowen Wells | 13/02/1991 |
397 | Gulf Personnel & The Poll Tax | 07/02/1991 | Signed | David Blunkett | 01/02/1991 |
354 | Select Committee On Sport | 07/02/1991 | Signed | Alan Meale | 24/01/1991 |
313 | Friendly Societies | 07/02/1991 | Signed | Ernie Ross | 18/01/1991 |
424 | Policing Football Hooliganism | 06/02/1991 | Signed | Tom Pendry | 06/02/1991 |
413 | Third World Debt | 05/02/1991 | Signed | John McFall | 05/02/1991 |
406 | Hill Farming | 05/02/1991 | Signed | Geraint Howells | 05/02/1991 |
387 | Detention Of Palestinians | 05/02/1991 | Signed | David Steel | 30/01/1991 |
346 | Reform Of Child Law In Scotland | 05/02/1991 | Signed | Norman A Godman | 23/01/1991 |
303 | Protection For Mobile Home Residents | 05/02/1991 | Signed | Ronnie Fearn | 16/01/1991 |
271 | Reduction Of Funding For The Welsh National Opera Company | 05/02/1991 | Signed | Paul Murphy | 19/12/1990 |
269 | Future Of The Welsh National Opera Company | 05/02/1991 | Signed | Anthony Meyer | 19/12/1990 |
264 | Hospital Schools | 05/02/1991 | Signed | Simon Hughes | 18/12/1990 |
233 | Measures To Reduce The Number Of Obscene Telephone Calls | 05/02/1991 | Signed | Eric Martlew | 12/12/1990 |
376 | Press Access To Forces In Gulf | 31/01/1991 | Signed | Brian Wilson | 29/01/1991 |
370 | Scots Troops In The Gulf And The Press | 31/01/1991 | Signed | David Marshall | 29/01/1991 |
366 | Malta Memorial | 31/01/1991 | Signed | Jim Spicer | 29/01/1991 |
357 | Retirement Of The Archbishop Of Canterbury | 31/01/1991 | Signed | Patrick Cormack | 28/01/1991 |
339 | Fair Play In Sport Award | 31/01/1991 | Signed | Tom Pendry | 23/01/1991 |
349 | Atomic Weapons Establishment Bill | 30/01/1991 | Seconded | Allan Rogers | 24/01/1991 |
103 | United Nations Convention On The Rights 0f The Child | 30/01/1991 | Signed | Joan Lestor | 21/11/1990 |
350 | Discriminatory Export Treatment Of Scotch Whisky | 24/01/1991 | Signed | Bill Walker | 24/01/1991 |
312 | Death Of King Olav V Of Norway | 23/01/1991 | Signed | Roger Moate | 18/01/1991 |
293 | Suppression Of The Baltic States | 23/01/1991 | Signed | David Atkinson | 15/01/1991 |
178 | Loss Of Jobs In Liverpool | 23/01/1991 | Signed | David Alton | 06/12/1990 |
83 | South Yorkshire Ambulance Service | 23/01/1991 | Signed | Terry Patchett | 16/11/1990 |
97 | Closure Of Withington Hospital, Manchester | 22/01/1991 | Signed | Keith Bradley | 20/11/1990 |
239 | Shortage Of Educational Psychologists | 17/01/1991 | Signed | Gerry Steinberg | 13/12/1990 |
222 | Fair Taxation On Scotch Whisky | 17/01/1991 | Signed | Keith Raffan | 12/12/1990 |
221 | Compensation For Nuclear Test Veterans | 17/01/1991 | Signed | Nigel Griffiths | 12/12/1990 |
179 | Pension Increases | 17/01/1991 | Signed | Andrew Bowden | 06/12/1990 |
143 | C & G Homes Ltd | 17/01/1991 | Signed | John Hannam | 29/11/1990 |
118 | Scientific Equipment For Education | 17/01/1991 | Signed | Michael Marshall | 26/11/1990 |
299 | Resettlement Grants For Former Members | 16/01/1991 | Signed | Alfred Morris | 16/01/1991 |
279 | DISABLED PERSONS' RIGHT TO ACCESS TO PUBLIC TRANSPORT | 16/01/1991 | Signed | Emma Nicholson | 14/01/1991 |
276 | Abolition Of Eye-Test Charges | 16/01/1991 | Signed | Charles Kennedy | 20/12/1990 |
258 | Sri Lanka | 16/01/1991 | Signed | Michael J Martin | 18/12/1990 |
250 | Visit Of Dalai Lama | 16/01/1991 | Signed | Martin Smyth | 18/12/1990 |
292 | Scottish Farm Crisis | 15/01/1991 | Seconded | Archy Kirkwood | 15/01/1991 |
197 | First Aid In Schools | 14/01/1991 | Signed | Ken Maginnis | 10/12/1990 |
249 | Archbishop Derek Worlock - Silver Jubilee | 17/12/1990 | Signed | David Alton | 17/12/1990 |
248 | Mr Hughie Green And Copyright Theft | 17/12/1990 | Signed | Roger Gale | 17/12/1990 |
193 | Company Investigations | 07/12/1990 | Signed | Barry Porter | 07/12/1990 |
123 | Nursing Pay | 06/12/1990 | Signed | Archy Kirkwood | 27/11/1990 |
112 | JUNIOR DOCTORS' HOURS OF WORK | 05/12/1990 | Signed | Jerry Hayes | 22/11/1990 |
137 | Ministry Of Defence Homes | 04/12/1990 | Signed | Dafydd Elis Thomas | 28/11/1990 |
151 | Support For Scottish Craft Industries | 03/12/1990 | Signed | John Home Robertson | 03/12/1990 |
142 | Fair Voting System And The Poll Tax | 29/11/1990 | Signed | Ray Michie | 29/11/1990 |
128 | North Atlantic Assembly | 27/11/1990 | Signed | Geoffrey Johnson Smith | 27/11/1990 |
116 | Traditional Tarts | 26/11/1990 | Signed | Nicholas Winterton | 26/11/1990 |
115 | Loss Of The Antares | 26/11/1990 | Signed | Ray Michie | 26/11/1990 |
13 | Welsh Parliament | 22/11/1990 | Signed | Geraint Howells | 07/11/1990 |
98A1 | Poll Tax Non-Payment Campaign;amdt. Line 1: | 21/11/1990 | Signed | Malcolm Bruce | 21/11/1990 |
94 | Kingdom Of Nepal | 20/11/1990 | Signed | Andrew Rowe | 20/11/1990 |
52A2 | Election Of Mary Robinson;amdt. Line 4: | 19/11/1990 | Signed | Ray Michie | 19/11/1990 |
68 | Police Charges For Football | 15/11/1990 | Signed | Joseph Ashton | 14/11/1990 |
56 | Funding Of Braille Production | 15/11/1990 | Signed | John Hannam | 13/11/1990 |
53 | British Pensioners Residing In Canada | 15/11/1990 | Signed | Tom Cox | 13/11/1990 |
49 | Posthumous Pardon For Derek Bentley | 15/11/1990 | Signed | Robert Parry | 12/11/1990 |
41 | Family Farms In Britain | 15/11/1990 | Signed | Richard Livsey | 08/11/1990 |
10 | Tv Licences For Solitary Senior Citizens | 15/11/1990 | Signed | Martin Smyth | 07/11/1990 |
4 | Compensation For Haemophiliacs | 15/11/1990 | Signed | Alfred Morris | 07/11/1990 |
28 | Antarctica | 08/11/1990 | Signed | Simon Hughes | 07/11/1990 |
12 | Use Of Live Animals For Research | 08/11/1990 | Signed | Geraint Howells | 07/11/1990 |
11 | Export Of Live Equines | 08/11/1990 | Signed | Alfred Morris | 07/11/1990 |
6 | The Future Of The British Textile And Clothing Industries | 08/11/1990 | Signed | Max Madden | 07/11/1990 |
3 | Export Of Horses And Ponies After 1992 (No. 2) | 08/11/1990 | Signed | Harry Greenway | 07/11/1990 |
2 | Export Of Horses And Ponies After 1992 | 08/11/1990 | Signed | Harry Greenway | 07/11/1990 |
27 | VAT On Rnli Equipment | 07/11/1990 | Signed | Peter Viggers | 07/11/1990 |
943 | British Sign Language | Unknown | Withdrawn | Roger Sims | 11/06/1991 |