Listing of Early Day Motion Topics
Early day motions have been categorised into 297 topics, some motions have been categorised into multiple topics and in total 34,399 categorisations have been made. Motions are categorised into topics in the parliament offices, the complete archive has not been categorised - only back as far as the 2007-2008 session.
- Administration of justice (192)
- Adult education (22)
- Afghanistan (206)
- Africa (312)
- Age discrimination (13)
- Agriculture (187)
- Agriculture and environment (39)
- Alcoholism (53)
- Alternatives to prison (28)
- Ambulance services (11)
- Animal diseases (51)
- Animal experiments (56)
- Animal welfare (339)
- Animals (117)
- Anti-social behaviour (28)
- Armed forces (463)
- Armed forces welfare (76)
- Arms control (129)
- Art works (51)
- Arts (127)
- Asia (602)
- Asylum (131)
- Australasia (45)
- Aviation (196)
- Ballistic missile defence (15)
- Benefits administration (59)
- Benefits policy (122)
- Bereavement benefits (4)
- Biodiversity (24)
- Broadcasting (365)
- Burial and cremation (15)
- Buses (100)
- Business support (36)
- By-elections (6)
- Census (10)
- Central government (62)
- Charities (561)
- Child care (65)
- Child support (15)
- Children (9)
- Children and families (660)
- Children's social services (102)
- Church and state (15)
- Civil law (24)
- Civil partnerships (5)
- Civil Service (50)
- Climate change (163)
- Coal (63)
- Cohabitation (4)
- Common Agricultural Policy (9)
- Communicable diseases (22)
- Community care (260)
- Companies (385)
- Competition (49)
- Constitution (18)
- Construction (4)
- Construction industry (49)
- Consumers (250)
- Coroners (10)
- Council Tax (1)
- Countryside (129)
- Courts (64)
- Crime (219)
- Crimes of violence (196)
- Criminal law (16)
- Crown (52)
- Cultural heritage (497)
- Cycling (52)
- Data protection (42)
- Death (183)
- Defence equipment and procurement (63)
- Defence expenditure (23)
- Defence policy (38)
- Devolution (77)
- Disability discrimination (114)
- Diseases (814)
- Divorce (3)
- Drugs crimes (14)
- Drugs misuse (84)
- Eastern Europe (108)
- Economic and monetary union (5)
- Economic policy (28)
- Economic situation (94)
- Education (26)
- Elderly people (131)
- Election expenditure (3)
- Election results : international (25)
- Elections (86)
- Electoral franchise (37)
- Electoral register (22)
- Electoral systems (30)
- Electricity (51)
- Emergencies and disaster management (17)
- Emergency services (80)
- Employment (629)
- Employment schemes (29)
- Empty property (11)
- Energy (252)
- Energy conservation (78)
- Environmental protection (276)
- Equality (369)
- Ethnic groups (171)
- EU budget (6)
- EU Council of Ministers (1)
- EU defence policy (3)
- EU enlargement (4)
- EU external relations (23)
- EU grants and loans (8)
- EU institutions (25)
- EU law and treaties (130)
- EU political integration (22)
- Europe (79)
- European Commission (8)
- European Council (1)
- European Parliament (13)
- European Union (6)
- Falkland Islands (20)
- Family benefits (25)
- Family law (35)
- Farmers (68)
- Financial institutions (245)
- Financial services (333)
- Fire services (100)
- Firearms (7)
- Fisheries (70)
- Flooding (56)
- Floods (1)
- Food (411)
- Foreign and Commonwealth Office (8)
- Forestry (27)
- Freedom of information (40)
- Fuel poverty (32)
- Funerals (2)
- Further education (74)
- Gambling (40)
- Gender recognition (32)
- General elections (12)
- Genetics (20)
- Health education and preventive medicine (523)
- Health finance (69)
- Health services (1202)
- Health staff and professions (136)
- Higher education (227)
- Homelessness (43)
- House of Commons (66)
- House of Lords (14)
- Housing (212)
- Housing adaptations (2)
- Housing benefits (38)
- Housing standards (34)
- Housing supply (34)
- Human rights (764)
- Immigration (211)
- Incomes and poverty (306)
- Industrial health and safety (221)
- Industrial relations (357)
- Industry (124)
- Information technology (91)
- Insolvency (26)
- Intellectual property (20)
- Intelligence services (14)
- International development (217)
- International economic relations (9)
- International law (57)
- International organisations (29)
- International politics and government (656)
- International trade (159)
- Internet and cybercrime (128)
- Iran (97)
- Iraq (150)
- Land law (9)
- Latin America (116)
- Legal aid (38)
- Legal profession (27)
- Legislative process (22)
- Leisure (267)
- Libraries (43)
- Licensing (27)
- Loans (57)
- Local authorities: education (8)
- Local government (236)
- Manufacturing industries (195)
- Marine environment (70)
- Marriage (38)
- Media (127)
- Medical ethics (80)
- Medicine (127)
- Members of Parliament (211)
- Members of the Lords (22)
- Mental health (214)
- Middle East (551)
- Military operations (543)
- Ministers (40)
- Mortgages (23)
- Motorcycles (8)
- Museums and galleries (53)
- National Assembly for Wales (18)
- National insurance (15)
- National Lottery (38)
- Nationality (45)
- NATO (10)
- Nature conservation (117)
- Non-departmental public bodies (9)
- North America (174)
- Northern Ireland (5)
- Northern Ireland Assembly (15)
- Nuclear power (73)
- Obesity (58)
- Offensive weapons (14)
- Ofsted (5)
- Oil, petrol and natural gas (158)
- Organic farming (3)
- Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (1)
- Overseas territories (52)
- Owner occupation (18)
- Parliament (207)
- Parliamentary procedure (75)
- Patient rights and complaints (30)
- Pay (321)
- Pensions (198)
- Performing arts (264)
- Personal injury (18)
- Planning (106)
- Police (191)
- Political parties (63)
- Politics and Government (19)
- Pollution (72)
- Population (9)
- Postal services (167)
- Powers of attorney (1)
- Pre-school education (20)
- Press (158)
- Pressure Groups (3)
- Prisons (167)
- Privacy (25)
- Private rented housing (32)
- Public administration (24)
- Public expenditure (104)
- Public inquiries (17)
- Public order offences (14)
- Racial discrimination (96)
- Railways (391)
- Regeneration (22)
- Regional development agencies (7)
- Regional planning and development (52)
- Registration of births, deaths and marriages (9)
- Regulation (95)
- Religion and faith communities (399)
- Religious discrimination (136)
- Renewable energy (118)
- Research and innovation (132)
- Roads (419)
- Russia (45)
- Schools (558)
- Science (160)
- Scottish Parliament (49)
- Security industry (12)
- Service industries (511)
- Sex discrimination (79)
- Sexual offences (82)
- Shipping (167)
- Sickness, disability and carers' benefits (139)
- Small businesses (115)
- Small claims (3)
- Smoking (39)
- Social rented housing (81)
- Speaker (15)
- Special educational needs (72)
- Sports (1095)
- Standards (84)
- Statistics policy (5)
- Students (121)
- Supported housing (8)
- Sustainable development (25)
- Taxation (453)
- Teachers (57)
- Telecommunications (132)
- Terrorism (116)
- Tourism (151)
- Training (103)
- Transport (2)
- Unemployment (61)
- United Nations (70)
- Utilities (92)
- Vaccination (26)
- Veterans (157)
- Voluntary organisations (314)
- Waste management (95)
- Water (38)
- Water industry (26)
- Weapons (1)
- Western Europe (132)
- Wildlife (120)
- Wills and intestacy (1)
- Working age benefits (60)
- World economy (5)
- Zimbabwe (15)