Geraint Howells
Total EDMs Signed: 293Signature Breakdown:
Proposed: 17
Seconded: 3
Signed: 273
Represented Ceredigion and Pembroke North from 1983 until 1992.
Represented Cardigan from 1974 until 1983.
Recent Activity
- 05/03/1992 Signed EDM 251 Ban On The Wild Caught Bird Trade
- 05/03/1992 Signed EDM 507 Ec Directive On Cosmetics And Live Animal Testing
- 05/03/1992 Signed EDM 749 Animal Welfare During The U.k. Presidency Of The E.c.
- 05/03/1992 Signed EDM 726 ALZHEIMER'S PATIENTS
- 05/03/1992 Signed EDM 557 Privatisation Of Prisons
- 05/03/1992 Signed EDM 804 Quarantine Regulations
- 03/03/1992 Signed EDM 129 Armed Forces Pension Scheme
- 03/03/1992 Signed EDM 743 Traditional Counties And The Local Government Commission
- 03/03/1992 Signed EDM 590 CHILDREN'S CHARTER
- 27/02/1992 Signed EDM 760 Consultation With Creditors Of Bcci
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