- What is an Early Day Motion?
(From EDMI) Early day motions (EDMs) are formal motions submitted for debate in the House of Commons. However, very few EDMs are actually debated. Instead, they are used for reasons such as publicising the views of individual MPs, drawing attention to specific events or campaigns, and demonstrating the extent of parliamentary support for a particular cause or point of view. - Why waste your time with EDMs?
Contributing to EDMs may not be the most useful thing that an MP does, but they provide constituents with an insight into what their representative is spending their time on and what issues they take an interest in. By adding EDMs to the picture of what an MP is doing a constituent is more able to hold their representative to account. - Why duplicate the parliament portal?
In my opinion the parliament portal is not easy to use, it does not provide easy access to the full extent of it's information. There is also no facility to download raw data or follow motions using RSS feeds. MP ids on the parliament portal have also been linked to those used by the parlparse project.
- To contact your MP about a motion please use the website WriteToThem.com.
- If you wish to report a technical problem with the website or suggest an additional feature then you may email matt@mattford.net
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2023-09-29 |