Number | Title | Signature Date | Signature Type | Proposer | Proposal Date |
1274 | Health Circulars And Nhs Trusts | 17/10/1991 | Signed | Alice Mahon | 17/10/1991 |
1243 | Driftnetting And Dolphins | 15/10/1991 | Signed | Ron Davies | 15/10/1991 |
1061 | Arrears Of Mortgage Payments | 14/10/1991 | Signed | Llin Golding | 02/07/1991 |
1209 | Prime Minister And Bcci | 24/07/1991 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 24/07/1991 |
1138 | Industrial Action At Craven Tasker (Scotland) Ltd - Cumbernauld | 24/07/1991 | Signed | Norman Hogg | 16/07/1991 |
966 | Coronary Heart Disease | 23/07/1991 | Signed | Roger Sims | 14/06/1991 |
945 | The Eec Directive On Data Protection And The UK Voluntary Sector | 23/07/1991 | Signed | Robert Maclennan | 12/06/1991 |
1162 | Infertility Treatment Cuts | 18/07/1991 | Signed | Margaret Ewing | 18/07/1991 |
1139 | Structure Of Local Government Review | 16/07/1991 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 16/07/1991 |
1131 | Independent Inquiry Into Bcci | 12/07/1991 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 12/07/1991 |
1130 | Bank Of Credit And Commerce International | 12/07/1991 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 12/07/1991 |
1115 | World Debt And G7 Summit | 11/07/1991 | Seconded | Jeremy Corbyn | 11/07/1991 |
1092 | Kent County Council | 10/07/1991 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 10/07/1991 |
1073 | Britain And India | 04/07/1991 | Signed | Toby Jessel | 04/07/1991 |
981 | Charity Law Reform | 03/07/1991 | Signed | Tim Devlin | 18/06/1991 |
1063 | Smoke Detectors In Homes | 02/07/1991 | Signed | Brian Wilson | 02/07/1991 |
927 | The Football Association And The Football League | 01/07/1991 | Signed | Tom Pendry | 06/06/1991 |
882 | Hanson Plc Possible Takeover Of Ici | 26/06/1991 | Signed | Doug Hoyle | 22/05/1991 |
863 | Chairmanship Of The Radio Authority | 26/06/1991 | Signed | Austin Mitchell | 20/05/1991 |
857 | Speech Therapy | 26/06/1991 | Signed | John Hannam | 17/05/1991 |
1001 | ICI AND INVESTMENT IN THE NATION'S FUTURE | 19/06/1991 | Signed | Nicholas Winterton | 19/06/1991 |
988 | Shipley College Visit To Eire | 18/06/1991 | Signed | Max Madden | 18/06/1991 |
936 | Election Of Mr Bill Morris | 11/06/1991 | Signed | George Galloway | 07/06/1991 |
939 | SWISS NATIONAL WOMEN'S STRIKE | 10/06/1991 | Signed | Mildred Gordon | 10/06/1991 |
252 | Arms Exports | 10/06/1991 | Signed | Simon Hughes | 18/12/1990 |
923 | Rolls Royce Motor Cars Limited | 05/06/1991 | Signed | Paul Boateng | 05/06/1991 |
922 | Special Educational Needs | 05/06/1991 | Signed | Gerry Steinberg | 05/06/1991 |
913 | ENHANCING THE LIFE STYLE OF BRITAIN'S SENIOR CITIZENS | 05/06/1991 | Signed | Dennis Turner | 05/06/1991 |
905 | Swimming In Schools | 05/06/1991 | Signed | Ann Winterton | 04/06/1991 |
901 | Leicestershire County Council And A46-A47 Link Road | 04/06/1991 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 04/06/1991 |
847 | Manchester United | 23/05/1991 | Signed | Tony Lloyd | 16/05/1991 |
805 | Poll Tax And The 20 Per Cent Contribution Rule | 23/05/1991 | Signed | David Blunkett | 07/05/1991 |
872 | Assassination Of Mr Rajiv Gandhi | 21/05/1991 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 21/05/1991 |
667 | Disclosure Of Criminal Convictions For New Applicants For Taxi Drivers Licences | 17/05/1991 | Signed | James Hill | 26/03/1991 |
845 | Congratulations To Edith Cresson | 16/05/1991 | Signed | Jo Richardson | 15/05/1991 |
844 | Pensions Of Former Zimbabwe Public Servants | 16/05/1991 | Signed | Norman Hogg | 15/05/1991 |
842 | Empire Theatre, Sunderland | 16/05/1991 | Signed | Roland Boyes | 15/05/1991 |
840 | Control Of Dangerous Breeds Of Dogs | 16/05/1991 | Signed | Terry Lewis | 14/05/1991 |
838 | Closure Of Bass Brewery, Preston Brook | 16/05/1991 | Signed | Gordon Oakes | 14/05/1991 |
837 | Ms Helen Sharman And The Juno Space Mission | 16/05/1991 | Signed | Michael Clark | 14/05/1991 |
835 | Chemical Industry Young Person Of The Year 1991 | 16/05/1991 | Signed | Geoffrey Lofthouse | 14/05/1991 |
829 | KING'S HEAD THEATRE | 16/05/1991 | Signed | Chris Smith | 13/05/1991 |
828 | Mr Karamjit Singh Chahal | 16/05/1991 | Signed | Max Madden | 13/05/1991 |
825 | Rights Of Man | 16/05/1991 | Signed | John Garrett | 13/05/1991 |
822 | European VAT Rates - Thoroughbred Breeding Industry | 16/05/1991 | Signed | Alan Meale | 09/05/1991 |
819 | The 1987 Parliament | 16/05/1991 | Signed | Jack Thompson | 09/05/1991 |
815 | CHURCH LADS' AND CHURCH GIRLS' BRIGADE CENTENARY | 16/05/1991 | Signed | Peter Hardy | 08/05/1991 |
812 | Prevention Of Solvent Abuse | 16/05/1991 | Signed | Ian McCartney | 08/05/1991 |
803 | Centenary Of Wakefield And District Trades Union Council | 16/05/1991 | Signed | David Hinchliffe | 07/05/1991 |
776 | Compensation For Injured Grenadiers | 16/05/1991 | Signed | Ray Powell | 30/04/1991 |
770 | Cold Weather Payments | 16/05/1991 | Signed | Maria Fyfe | 29/04/1991 |
839A1 | Control Of Dogs;amdt. Line 4: | 15/05/1991 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 15/05/1991 |
823 | Palestinian Academic Rights | 14/05/1991 | Signed | Ernie Ross | 10/05/1991 |
746 | Walvis Bay | 14/05/1991 | Signed | John Battle | 24/04/1991 |
179 | Pension Increases | 13/05/1991 | Signed | Andrew Bowden | 06/12/1990 |
715A1 | Human Rights Violations In Kashmir;amdt. Line 1: | 07/05/1991 | Signed | Toby Jessel | 07/05/1991 |
694A2 | Kashmir And The 1948 Un Resolution;amdt. Line 1: | 07/05/1991 | Signed | Toby Jessel | 07/05/1991 |
779 | Rugby League | 30/04/1991 | Signed | Alice Mahon | 30/04/1991 |
772 | British Crisp Industry | 30/04/1991 | Signed | Dawn Primarolo | 30/04/1991 |
609 | Mink And Fox Factory Farms | 29/04/1991 | Signed | Andrew Bowden | 15/03/1991 |
755 | Genetic Patenting | 25/04/1991 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 25/04/1991 |
747 | Coats Viyella Bid For Tootal | 24/04/1991 | Signed | Gerald Bermingham | 24/04/1991 |
697 | Japanese Whaling (No.2) | 15/04/1991 | Signed | Tony Banks | 15/04/1991 |
607 | Duty Free Shops | 15/04/1991 | Signed | Paul Channon | 14/03/1991 |
576 | Parliamentary Inquiry Into Actions Of Training And Enterprise Councils | 15/04/1991 | Signed | Ray Powell | 06/03/1991 |
657 | Abbey Primary School, Leicester | 26/03/1991 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 26/03/1991 |
631 | NO CONFIDENCE IN HER MAJESTY'S GOVERNMENT | 26/03/1991 | Signed | Neil Kinnock | 21/03/1991 |
649 | FUNDING THE NATIONAL HOMEWORKERS' UNIT | 25/03/1991 | Signed | Alice Mahon | 25/03/1991 |
369 | Licensed Bingo | 14/03/1991 | Signed | Alan Meale | 29/01/1991 |
582 | Child Benefit | 08/03/1991 | Signed | Graham Allen | 08/03/1991 |
552 | Defence Components Exhibition | 08/03/1991 | Signed | Max Madden | 28/02/1991 |
528 | Estate Agents (Property Misdescriptions) Bill | 04/03/1991 | Signed | Austin Mitchell | 25/02/1991 |
538 | Veterans Bill | 26/02/1991 | Signed | George Howarth | 26/02/1991 |
522 | Staff Cuts On London Underground | 26/02/1991 | Signed | Alan Williams | 22/02/1991 |
499 | Royal Society Of Chemistry | 25/02/1991 | Signed | Donald Anderson | 19/02/1991 |
496 | Grants For Derbyshire County Council Services | 25/02/1991 | Signed | Harry Barnes | 18/02/1991 |
489 | Community Charges (S.i., 1991, No.230) | 25/02/1991 | Signed | Neil Kinnock | 18/02/1991 |
488 | Automatic Cold Weather Payment Scheme | 25/02/1991 | Signed | Paul Flynn | 15/02/1991 |
482 | Homelessness And The Prime Minister | 25/02/1991 | Signed | Clive Soley | 14/02/1991 |
478 | The Future Of Welsh Housing | 25/02/1991 | Signed | Paul Murphy | 14/02/1991 |
471 | Smoking Bans On London Transport | 25/02/1991 | Signed | Roger Sims | 13/02/1991 |
469 | Needle Industries | 25/02/1991 | Signed | Jeff Rooker | 13/02/1991 |
476 | Compensation For Nuclear Test Veterans | 21/02/1991 | Signed | Robert Parry | 14/02/1991 |
500 | Merchant Navy | 19/02/1991 | Signed | Jonathan Sayeed | 19/02/1991 |
490 | Future Of Cardiff City A.f.c. | 19/02/1991 | Signed | Alun Michael | 18/02/1991 |
467 | Free Bus Travel For Merseyside Pensioners And The Disabled | 19/02/1991 | Signed | Robert Parry | 13/02/1991 |
491 | Electricity Price Increases 1991/92 | 18/02/1991 | Signed | Terry Rooney | 18/02/1991 |
465 | Emergency Housing Provision For Homeless People Sleeping Rough Outside London | 14/02/1991 | Signed | Llin Golding | 13/02/1991 |
459 | Gatt Talks And The British Textile Industry | 14/02/1991 | Signed | Elizabeth Peacock | 12/02/1991 |
463 | POVERTY, THE ENVIRONMENT AND THE PLANET'S FUTURE | 13/02/1991 | Signed | Bowen Wells | 13/02/1991 |
430A10 | Charges For Television Listings;amdt. Line 7: | 13/02/1991 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 13/02/1991 |
461 | Waterloo Cup | 13/02/1991 | Signed | Robert N Wareing | 12/02/1991 |
448A1 | Plp Supper Club;amdt. Line 1: | 13/02/1991 | Signed | Clare Short | 12/02/1991 |
447 | Award Of The Freedom Of The City Of Birmingham | 13/02/1991 | Signed | Roy Hattersley | 11/02/1991 |
421 | REFUSAL OF KURSHID BIBI'S COMPASSIONATE VISIT | 13/02/1991 | Signed | Bill Michie | 06/02/1991 |
420 | Immigration Appeals Procedure In Compassionate Cases | 13/02/1991 | Signed | Bill Michie | 06/02/1991 |
460 | Relief Of Third World Hunger | 12/02/1991 | Signed | Alice Mahon | 12/02/1991 |
453 | Conduct Of The Prime Minister | 12/02/1991 | Signed | Brian Wilson | 12/02/1991 |
386 | Ici Sale Of Fertiliser Business | 11/02/1991 | Signed | Gordon Oakes | 30/01/1991 |
433 | LEWIS'S STORES | 06/02/1991 | Signed | Robert Parry | 06/02/1991 |
427 | Mr John Hall And Compensation For Nuclear Test Veterans | 06/02/1991 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 06/02/1991 |
415 | United Kingdom Textile And Clothing Industries | 06/02/1991 | Signed | Max Madden | 05/02/1991 |
414 | Recession In Yorkshire And Humberside | 05/02/1991 | Signed | Alice Mahon | 05/02/1991 |
397 | Gulf Personnel & The Poll Tax | 05/02/1991 | Signed | David Blunkett | 01/02/1991 |
258 | Sri Lanka | 04/02/1991 | Signed | Michael J Martin | 18/12/1990 |
379 | Chatlines And The Hon Member For Worsley | 30/01/1991 | Signed | Harry Cohen | 30/01/1991 |
367 | Plymouth Schools | 29/01/1991 | Signed | Andrew Smith | 29/01/1991 |
123 | Nursing Pay | 29/01/1991 | Signed | Archy Kirkwood | 27/11/1990 |
336 | The Sun Newspaper & Its Hotline For Gulf Families | 24/01/1991 | Signed | Terry Lewis | 23/01/1991 |
197 | First Aid In Schools | 21/01/1991 | Signed | Ken Maginnis | 10/12/1990 |
299 | Resettlement Grants For Former Members | 16/01/1991 | Signed | Alfred Morris | 16/01/1991 |
239 | Shortage Of Educational Psychologists | 14/01/1991 | Signed | Gerry Steinberg | 13/12/1990 |
248 | Mr Hughie Green And Copyright Theft | 20/12/1990 | Signed | Roger Gale | 17/12/1990 |
249 | Archbishop Derek Worlock - Silver Jubilee | 17/12/1990 | Signed | David Alton | 17/12/1990 |
245 | Welsh Water Plc And The Application Of Funds | 17/12/1990 | Signed | Alun Michael | 17/12/1990 |
66 | National Trust And Deer Hunting | 14/12/1990 | Signed | Janet Fookes | 13/11/1990 |
112 | JUNIOR DOCTORS' HOURS OF WORK | 07/12/1990 | Signed | Jerry Hayes | 22/11/1990 |
188 | Leicestershire Health Authority And The Elderly | 06/12/1990 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 06/12/1990 |
181 | PRIME MINISTER'S USE OF THE NHS | 06/12/1990 | Signed | Kim Howells | 06/12/1990 |
139 | Learning Centre For Children With Cerebral Palsy | 06/12/1990 | Signed | Mildred Gordon | 29/11/1990 |
99 | Mile End Hospital | 06/12/1990 | Signed | Mildred Gordon | 20/11/1990 |
174 | Enlargement Of The National Health Service | 05/12/1990 | Signed | Nigel Griffiths | 05/12/1990 |
155 | Bangladesh And Democracy | 04/12/1990 | Signed | Peter Shore | 04/12/1990 |
114 | MOROCCO'S OCCUPATION OF WESTERN SAHARA | 28/11/1990 | Signed | Audrey Wise | 23/11/1990 |
111 | Cambodia | 22/11/1990 | Signed | Ann Clwyd | 22/11/1990 |
38 | Income Support Premiums: Elderly, Sick And Disabled People | 21/11/1990 | Signed | Alfred Morris | 08/11/1990 |
36 | Phosphate Pollution From Detergents | 21/11/1990 | Signed | Robin Squire | 07/11/1990 |
101 | Retirement Of Shri Kuldip Nayar | 20/11/1990 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 20/11/1990 |
97 | Closure Of Withington Hospital, Manchester | 20/11/1990 | Signed | Keith Bradley | 20/11/1990 |
10 | Tv Licences For Solitary Senior Citizens | 20/11/1990 | Signed | Martin Smyth | 07/11/1990 |
88 | Local Authority Lobby On Textiles | 19/11/1990 | Signed | Max Madden | 19/11/1990 |
28 | Antarctica | 19/11/1990 | Signed | Simon Hughes | 07/11/1990 |
49 | Posthumous Pardon For Derek Bentley | 12/11/1990 | Signed | Robert Parry | 12/11/1990 |
6 | The Future Of The British Textile And Clothing Industries | 07/11/1990 | Signed | Max Madden | 07/11/1990 |
1 | Future Of The Multi-Fibre Arrangement | 07/11/1990 | Signed | Gary Waller | 07/11/1990 |