Number | Title | Signature Date | Signature Type | Proposer | Proposal Date |
1197 | Community Health Councils | 29/11/2000 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 29/11/2000 |
1186 | Security Of Taxi Drivers | 29/11/2000 | Signed | David Chaytor | 28/11/2000 |
1179 | DUKE OF EDINBURGH'S AWARD | 28/11/2000 | Signed | Bob Russell | 27/11/2000 |
1176 | Age Of Consent | 28/11/2000 | Signed | Gerald Howarth | 23/11/2000 |
1169 | Female Genital Mutilation | 28/11/2000 | Signed | Chris McCafferty | 21/11/2000 |
1168A2 | Cycle Helmets For Postal Workers;amdt. Line 4: | 22/11/2000 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 22/11/2000 |
1168A1 | Cycle Helmets For Postal Workers;amdt. Line 1: | 22/11/2000 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 22/11/2000 |
1167 | Access To Eye Care For Adults With Learning Difficulties | 22/11/2000 | Signed | Dafydd Wigley | 21/11/2000 |
1140 | Captive Breeding Of Endangered Species | 20/11/2000 | Signed | Ian Cawsey | 09/11/2000 |
1157 | Paralympic Success | 17/11/2000 | Signed | Bob Russell | 16/11/2000 |
1154 | Safe Motherhood Programme | 17/11/2000 | Signed | Paul Flynn | 15/11/2000 |
1152 | Family Visitor Appeals | 15/11/2000 | Signed | Gerald Bermingham | 14/11/2000 |
1150 | Home Office Certificate Of Identity | 15/11/2000 | Signed | Tony Colman | 14/11/2000 |
1149 | Domestic Violence In Relation To Criminal And Civil Law | 15/11/2000 | Signed | Ann Keen | 14/11/2000 |
1146 | Recovery Of Housing Benefit From Landlords | 15/11/2000 | Signed | Steve Webb | 13/11/2000 |
1084 | Saint-Gobain Take-Over Of Biwater, Clay Cross | 14/11/2000 | Signed | Harry Barnes | 24/10/2000 |
1131 | Young Minds | 09/11/2000 | Signed | Jane Griffiths | 08/11/2000 |
1130 | Six-Nation Framework Agreement (Cm 4895) | 09/11/2000 | Signed | Bruce George | 08/11/2000 |
1103A1 | Future Of Community Health Councils;amdt. Line 1: | 08/11/2000 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 08/11/2000 |
1103A3 | Future Of Community Health Councils;amdt. Line 9: | 08/11/2000 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 08/11/2000 |
1103A2 | Future Of Community Health Councils;amdt. Line 1: | 08/11/2000 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 08/11/2000 |
1108A1 | Visitors Appeals;amdt. Line 2: | 08/11/2000 | Signed | Simon Hughes | 07/11/2000 |
1126 | Thomas More | 08/11/2000 | Signed | Kevin McNamara | 06/11/2000 |
1125 | 121st Birthday Of Maca | 08/11/2000 | Signed | Lynne Jones | 06/11/2000 |
1124 | Bill Barazetti | 08/11/2000 | Signed | John Cryer | 06/11/2000 |
1118 | The Albatross | 08/11/2000 | Signed | David Crausby | 02/11/2000 |
1098A1 | Pigeons In Trafalgar Square;amdt. Line 1: | 08/11/2000 | Signed | George Galloway | 02/11/2000 |
1115 | S4c | 08/11/2000 | Signed | Simon Thomas | 01/11/2000 |
1107 | Organ Donor Symbols On Credit And Bank Cards | 08/11/2000 | Signed | Hilary Benn | 31/10/2000 |
1099 | Licensing Hours | 08/11/2000 | Signed | Lembit Opik | 31/10/2000 |
1097 | Lay Magistracy | 08/11/2000 | Signed | David Taylor | 30/10/2000 |
1095 | Status Of Nursery Nurses | 08/11/2000 | Signed | David Lepper | 30/10/2000 |
1060 | Coarse Fishing Close Season On Rivers In England And Wales | 08/11/2000 | Signed | Martin Salter | 27/07/2000 |
1111 | Immigration Appeals (Family Visitor) (No. 2) (S.i.,2000, No. 2446) | 02/11/2000 | Signed | Teddy Taylor | 01/11/2000 |
1092 | Sixth Anniversary Of World Mental Health Day | 31/10/2000 | Signed | David Taylor | 26/10/2000 |
1096 | Soil Protection Strategy | 30/10/2000 | Signed | David Lepper | 30/10/2000 |
1066 | Guide Dog Access To Minicabs | 23/10/2000 | Signed | Neil Gerrard | 23/10/2000 |
1065 | Winter Fuel Payments For Severely Disabled People | 23/10/2000 | Signed | Roger Berry | 23/10/2000 |
1057 | Medal For Armed Forces Killed In Action | 27/07/2000 | Signed | Harry Barnes | 27/07/2000 |
1036 | Royal Commission On Animal Experiments | 26/07/2000 | Signed | Nigel Jones | 26/07/2000 |
925 | International Criminal Court (No. 2) | 25/07/2000 | Signed | Peter Brand | 05/07/2000 |
996 | Recognition Of The Role Played By Women In World War Ii | 24/07/2000 | Signed | Brian Iddon | 19/07/2000 |
995 | Accuracy Of Banking And Building Society Credit Reference Agency Information | 24/07/2000 | Signed | Harry Barnes | 19/07/2000 |
1006 | TV COVERAGE OF HER MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH THE QUEEN MOTHER'S PAGEANT | 20/07/2000 | Signed | Laurence Robertson | 20/07/2000 |
984 | Uda And Uvf Beatings And Shootings In 2000 To Date | 17/07/2000 | Seconded | Harry Barnes | 17/07/2000 |
983 | Ira Beatings And Shootings In 2000 To Date | 17/07/2000 | Signed | Harry Barnes | 17/07/2000 |
982 | Paramilitary Beatings And Shootings | 17/07/2000 | Signed | Harry Barnes | 17/07/2000 |
973 | Dolphin And Porpoise Bycatch | 13/07/2000 | Signed | Austin Mitchell | 13/07/2000 |
932 | Joey Dunlop Obe | 13/07/2000 | Signed | Roy Beggs | 05/07/2000 |
970 | Latex Allergy And Healthcare Workers | 12/07/2000 | Signed | Joan Ruddock | 12/07/2000 |
954 | 100th Birthday Of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother | 12/07/2000 | Signed | Laurence Robertson | 11/07/2000 |
950 | World Cup 2006 | 11/07/2000 | Signed | Laurence Robertson | 11/07/2000 |
945 | Debt Reduction And The G7 Summit In Okinawa | 10/07/2000 | Signed | Jim Dobbin | 10/07/2000 |
924 | Organ Donor Cards | 05/07/2000 | Signed | Howard Stoate | 04/07/2000 |
923 | Former UK Child Migrants In Australia | 05/07/2000 | Signed | Liz Blackman | 04/07/2000 |
922 | Conversion Of Taxis To Liquid Petroleum Gas | 05/07/2000 | Signed | Gordon Marsden | 04/07/2000 |
921 | Royal Marsden Nhs Trust And The Institute Of Cancer Research | 05/07/2000 | Signed | Paul Marsden | 04/07/2000 |
920 | Un Social Summit Plus 5 And Tobin Tax | 05/07/2000 | Signed | Tony Colman | 03/07/2000 |
918 | 50th Anniversary Of The Korean War | 05/07/2000 | Signed | Bob Russell | 03/07/2000 |
916 | Japanese Whaling | 05/07/2000 | Signed | Norman Baker | 03/07/2000 |
913 | Cheque Clearance Times | 05/07/2000 | Signed | Dan Norris | 29/06/2000 |
914 | Refrigeration And Global Warming | 29/06/2000 | Signed | Jonathan Shaw | 29/06/2000 |
910 | Women And Democracy In Bahrain | 29/06/2000 | Signed | Ashok Kumar | 28/06/2000 |
909 | Groundwork | 29/06/2000 | Signed | Paul Clark | 28/06/2000 |
897 | Christians In Egypt | 29/06/2000 | Signed | Paul Marsden | 27/06/2000 |
904 | Metropolitan Police (No. 2) | 28/06/2000 | Signed | Alan Keen | 28/06/2000 |
888 | Ellen Macarthur | 27/06/2000 | Signed | Tony Banks | 23/06/2000 |
865 | Sudan | 27/06/2000 | Signed | Alan Beith | 19/06/2000 |
864 | Violette Szabo Museum, Herefordshire | 27/06/2000 | Signed | Paul Keetch | 19/06/2000 |
867 | TUC 'ROOT OUT RACISM' CAMPAIGN | 19/06/2000 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 19/06/2000 |
866 | Deaths Of Asylum Seekers | 19/06/2000 | Signed | Jeremy Corbyn | 19/06/2000 |
853 | REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY, THE WOMEN'S LAND ARMY AND CIVILIAN ORGANISATIONS | 15/06/2000 | Signed | Lindsay Hoyle | 14/06/2000 |
852 | Farrowing Crates | 15/06/2000 | Signed | Alan Meale | 14/06/2000 |
851 | Death Penalty In The United States | 15/06/2000 | Signed | Hilary Benn | 13/06/2000 |
845 | Thames Water Annual Duck Race | 15/06/2000 | Signed | Stephen Pound | 13/06/2000 |
854 | Iceland Foods | 14/06/2000 | Signed | Christine Russell | 14/06/2000 |
850 | VAT On Continence Products | 13/06/2000 | Signed | Paul Burstow | 13/06/2000 |
849 | Organ Donation | 13/06/2000 | Signed | Nick Palmer | 13/06/2000 |
840 | Green Travel Plans | 12/06/2000 | Signed | Ben Bradshaw | 12/06/2000 |
834 | National School Grounds Week | 12/06/2000 | Signed | Clive Efford | 09/06/2000 |
833 | Children And Break-Up Of Families | 12/06/2000 | Signed | Kerry Pollard | 09/06/2000 |
825 | Dogs In The Philippines | 12/06/2000 | Signed | Tony Banks | 08/06/2000 |
820 | The Apostrophe | 12/06/2000 | Signed | Tony Wright | 08/06/2000 |
832 | William Mccrea | 09/06/2000 | Signed | Harry Barnes | 09/06/2000 |
821 | DIABETES UK'S 'MISSING MILLION' CAMPAIGN | 09/06/2000 | Signed | Adrian Sanders | 08/06/2000 |
814 | Conduct Of The Prime Minister (No. 4) | 07/06/2000 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 07/06/2000 |
812 | World Oceans Day | 07/06/2000 | Signed | David Lepper | 07/06/2000 |
810 | Mr Mohammed Masseh Chaudhry | 07/06/2000 | Signed | Lynne Jones | 07/06/2000 |
807 | Parliamentary Lobby By The Mental Health Alliance | 07/06/2000 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 07/06/2000 |
792A1 | U571;amdt. Line 11: | 07/06/2000 | Signed | Julian Lewis | 06/06/2000 |
797 | Violence In Zimbabwe | 07/06/2000 | Signed | Norman A Godman | 05/06/2000 |
793 | Voluntary Service Overseas | 07/06/2000 | Signed | Mike Gapes | 05/06/2000 |
784 | Pension Adjustments | 07/06/2000 | Signed | Frank Cook | 24/05/2000 |
407 | CHILDREN'S ACCESS TO LEISURE SCHEMES DURING SCHOOL HOLIDAYS | 06/06/2000 | Signed | Phil Willis | 16/02/2000 |
3 | Medicinal Cannabis | 06/06/2000 | Signed | Paul Flynn | 17/11/1999 |
779 | Southern Water Charging Policy | 05/06/2000 | Signed | David Lepper | 24/05/2000 |
726 | National Volunteers Week 2000 | 05/06/2000 | Signed | Howard Stoate | 15/05/2000 |
714 | Countryside Bill And Species And Habitat Action Plans | 05/06/2000 | Signed | Chris McCafferty | 10/05/2000 |
768 | Gm Oil Seed Rape Contamination | 24/05/2000 | Signed | Joan Ruddock | 22/05/2000 |
757 | Admission Of Mike Tyson | 22/05/2000 | Signed | Malcolm Bruce | 18/05/2000 |
751 | Royal Marines Trek To North Pole | 22/05/2000 | Signed | John Burnett | 17/05/2000 |
747 | Ambulance Service Medal | 22/05/2000 | Signed | Mark Oaten | 17/05/2000 |
744 | Catering Staff Pay | 22/05/2000 | Signed | Alan Simpson | 16/05/2000 |
735 | Decline In House Sparrows | 22/05/2000 | Signed | Paul Marsden | 16/05/2000 |
717 | Autism Awareness Week 2000 | 22/05/2000 | Signed | Stephen Ladyman | 11/05/2000 |
716 | International Nurses Day, 12 May 2000 | 22/05/2000 | Signed | Archy Kirkwood | 10/05/2000 |
712 | Amnesty International | 22/05/2000 | Signed | David Crausby | 10/05/2000 |
719 | Abatan Case | 11/05/2000 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 11/05/2000 |
699A1 | Metropolitan Police;amdt. Line 5: | 10/05/2000 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 10/05/2000 |
711 | Drivers With Diabetes | 10/05/2000 | Signed | Adrian Sanders | 10/05/2000 |
703 | Adoption | 10/05/2000 | Signed | Hilton Dawson | 09/05/2000 |
702 | Regulation And Training Of Nurses And Others Involved In The Delivery Of Nursing Care | 10/05/2000 | Signed | Laura Moffatt | 09/05/2000 |
691 | Stanley George Hurrell, Mbe | 10/05/2000 | Signed | Bruce George | 08/05/2000 |
701 | Investment In Housing | 09/05/2000 | Signed | Andrew Love | 09/05/2000 |
698 | Nice Recommendation On Taxol | 09/05/2000 | Signed | Joan Ruddock | 09/05/2000 |
675 | Masked Demonstrators | 03/05/2000 | Signed | Nick Palmer | 02/05/2000 |
667 | Political Prisoners In Kashmir | 03/05/2000 | Signed | Marsha Singh | 19/04/2000 |
656 | "I'LL BE DES" CAMPAIGN | 03/05/2000 | Signed | Frank Cook | 18/04/2000 |
654 | Aid To Ethiopia | 18/04/2000 | Signed | Laurence Robertson | 18/04/2000 |
651 | Ukip Candidate In The Romsey By-Election | 17/04/2000 | Signed | Geoffrey Johnson Smith | 17/04/2000 |
645 | Visit Of Vladimir Putin | 14/04/2000 | Signed | Jeremy Corbyn | 13/04/2000 |
644 | Debt And Financial Exclusion | 14/04/2000 | Seconded | Evan Harris | 13/04/2000 |
637 | Visit Of The Vice-President Of The Argentine | 14/04/2000 | Signed | Tom Cox | 12/04/2000 |
639 | The Patels | 12/04/2000 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 12/04/2000 |
634 | MR DAVID IRVING'S LIBEL CASE | 12/04/2000 | Signed | Mike Gapes | 11/04/2000 |
633 | ENGINEERING AND THE UK'S ECONOMIC FUTURE | 12/04/2000 | Signed | Ashok Kumar | 11/04/2000 |
532 | Manufacturing Excellence | 12/04/2000 | Signed | Claire Curtis-Thomas | 15/03/2000 |
629 | Costs Of Asylum Seekers | 11/04/2000 | Signed | Iain Coleman | 10/04/2000 |
625 | Soroptimist International | 11/04/2000 | Signed | Kerry Pollard | 10/04/2000 |
622 | Chlamydia | 11/04/2000 | Signed | Jenny Tonge | 10/04/2000 |
615 | Conduct Of The Hon. Member For Hackney South And Shoreditch | 06/04/2000 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 06/04/2000 |
607 | TRAIN OPERATORS' BICYCLES CARRIAGE CHARGES | 06/04/2000 | Signed | Paul Truswell | 05/04/2000 |
606 | City Status For Shrewsbury | 06/04/2000 | Signed | Paul Marsden | 05/04/2000 |
571 | UK Biscuit Industry | 06/04/2000 | Signed | David Taylor | 29/03/2000 |
609 | Green Refrigeration Technologies | 05/04/2000 | Signed | David Chaytor | 05/04/2000 |
608 | Campaign Spending Limits | 05/04/2000 | Signed | Martin Linton | 05/04/2000 |
598 | The Sun Donor Card Campaign | 05/04/2000 | Signed | Paul Marsden | 04/04/2000 |
592 | Human Rights Situation In Chechnya | 05/04/2000 | Signed | Ann Clwyd | 03/04/2000 |
588 | Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother | 05/04/2000 | Signed | Laurence Robertson | 03/04/2000 |
581 | Disabled Access To Westminster Tube Station | 05/04/2000 | Signed | Andrew George | 30/03/2000 |
527 | Rosemary Nelson | 05/04/2000 | Signed | Jeremy Corbyn | 14/03/2000 |
601 | Energy Efficiency Standards Of Performance | 04/04/2000 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 04/04/2000 |
599 | 2001 Packaging Waste Recycling Targets | 04/04/2000 | Signed | David Kidney | 04/04/2000 |
590 | Conduct Of The Rt. Honourable Member For North Tyneside | 03/04/2000 | Signed | Angela Browning | 03/04/2000 |
574A1 | Rebranding Pensions And Pensioners;amdt. Line 4: | 30/03/2000 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 30/03/2000 |
558 | Salt Intake | 30/03/2000 | Signed | Kerry Pollard | 23/03/2000 |
461 | Nhs And The Pay Review Body | 30/03/2000 | Signed | John Austin | 01/03/2000 |
200 | Portland Young Offenders Institution | 28/03/2000 | Signed | Jackie Ballard | 15/12/1999 |
491 | Dalit Rights In India | 27/03/2000 | Signed | John McDonnell | 08/03/2000 |
555 | LAUNCH OF BAHA'I GROUP | 22/03/2000 | Signed | Lembit Opik | 21/03/2000 |
552 | Fourth Report Of The Environmental Audit Committee, Session 1999-2000 | 22/03/2000 | Signed | John Horam | 20/03/2000 |
551 | Agrimonetary Compensation | 22/03/2000 | Signed | Dafydd Wigley | 20/03/2000 |
546 | Landmines In Pakistan | 22/03/2000 | Signed | Peter L Pike | 16/03/2000 |
517 | Residential Village Communities | 22/03/2000 | Signed | Ann Cryer | 13/03/2000 |
515 | Sanctions In Angola | 22/03/2000 | Signed | Barbara Follett | 13/03/2000 |
511 | Women And Lung Cancer | 22/03/2000 | Signed | Ian Gibson | 13/03/2000 |
154 | Registration Of Sex Offenders | 16/03/2000 | Signed | Lawrence Cunliffe | 07/12/1999 |
516 | Up-Rating Of The State Retirement Pension For British Expatriate Pensioners | 13/03/2000 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 13/03/2000 |
510 | Older Women And Breast Cancer | 10/03/2000 | Signed | Linda Perham | 10/03/2000 |
498 | Conduct Of The Prime Minister (No. 3) | 08/03/2000 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 08/03/2000 |
480A1 | Dfee Sex And Relationships Guidance;amdt. Line 7: | 08/03/2000 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 08/03/2000 |
483 | Hedgerows And Landscape Features | 08/03/2000 | Signed | Desmond Turner | 07/03/2000 |
481 | Safety In The Sea-Fishing Industry | 08/03/2000 | Signed | Andrew George | 07/03/2000 |
476 | Select Committees And The Executive | 08/03/2000 | Signed | Gordon Prentice | 07/03/2000 |
472 | Smoke Detectors | 08/03/2000 | Signed | Syd Rapson | 06/03/2000 |
470 | Commonwealth Day On Monday 13 March 2000 | 06/03/2000 | Signed | Donald Anderson | 03/03/2000 |
468 | Smoking In Portcullis House | 06/03/2000 | Signed | Colin Burgon | 02/03/2000 |
456 | Home-Start UK | 02/03/2000 | Signed | Lindsay Hoyle | 29/02/2000 |
463 | Areas Of Outstanding Natural Beauty | 01/03/2000 | Seconded | Martin Caton | 01/03/2000 |
449 | Fiftieth Anniversary Of The Election Of The Right Honourable Member For Old Bexley And Sidcup | 29/02/2000 | Signed | William Hague | 29/02/2000 |
437A1 | Maritime Safety;amdt. Line 9: | 29/02/2000 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 29/02/2000 |
446 | Conservation And The Rights Of Local People In Africa | 29/02/2000 | Signed | Andrew George | 29/02/2000 |
445 | Accuracy In Food Labelling | 29/02/2000 | Signed | Stephen O'Brien | 29/02/2000 |
442 | Mozambique: Short-Term Aid | 29/02/2000 | Signed | Nick Palmer | 28/02/2000 |
441 | Mozambique: Medium-Term Lessons | 29/02/2000 | Signed | Nick Palmer | 28/02/2000 |
396 | Memorial Gates Trust | 28/02/2000 | Signed | William Cash | 15/02/2000 |
384 | Freedom Of Information In Local Government | 28/02/2000 | Signed | Mark Fisher | 10/02/2000 |
411A1 | Northern Ireland;amdt. Line 1: | 22/02/2000 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 22/02/2000 |
420A1 | Women In Parliament;amdt. Line 4: | 22/02/2000 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 22/02/2000 |
429 | War Between Eritrea And Ethiopia | 22/02/2000 | Signed | Jeremy Corbyn | 22/02/2000 |
423 | Mayor Of London | 22/02/2000 | Signed | Teddy Taylor | 21/02/2000 |
418 | Corporation Tax Exemption For Social Housing | 22/02/2000 | Signed | Andrew Love | 17/02/2000 |
426 | Combating Tinnitus | 21/02/2000 | Signed | Helen Southworth | 21/02/2000 |
417 | Marine Conservation | 21/02/2000 | Signed | Ieuan Wyn Jones | 17/02/2000 |
274A1 | Morning-After Pill;amdt. Line 1: | 21/02/2000 | Signed | Jenny Tonge | 18/01/2000 |
405 | Dangerous Driving Offences Working Party | 16/02/2000 | Signed | Tim Loughton | 16/02/2000 |
400 | Judicial Inquiry Into The Death Of Roberty Hamill (No. 2) | 15/02/2000 | Signed | Kevin McNamara | 15/02/2000 |
394 | Conduct Of Professional Footballers | 15/02/2000 | Signed | Bob Russell | 14/02/2000 |
392 | Health Service Commissioners (Amendment) Bill | 15/02/2000 | Signed | Geoffrey Johnson Smith | 14/02/2000 |
390 | Public Libraries | 15/02/2000 | Signed | Linda Perham | 14/02/2000 |
369A1 | Day Of Reconciliation;amdt. Line 1: | 14/02/2000 | Signed | Harry Barnes | 10/02/2000 |
381 | Austrian Election | 14/02/2000 | Signed | John Cryer | 09/02/2000 |
380 | Speed Cameras And Human Rights | 09/02/2000 | Signed | Andrew Miller | 09/02/2000 |
367A1 | Centenary Of The Labour Party;amdt. Line 7: | 09/02/2000 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 09/02/2000 |
368 | Consumers Association "treatment Notes" For Patients | 09/02/2000 | Signed | John Austin | 08/02/2000 |
366 | Age Discrimination In The Provision Of Health Services | 08/02/2000 | Signed | Edward O'Hara | 08/02/2000 |
355 | Child Soldiers | 03/02/2000 | Signed | Jenny Tonge | 03/02/2000 |
348 | Broiler Chickens And Human Health | 03/02/2000 | Signed | Ann Clwyd | 02/02/2000 |
346 | Probation Service | 03/02/2000 | Signed | Stephen Twigg | 02/02/2000 |
344 | Human Rights In Tibet And China | 03/02/2000 | Signed | Norman Baker | 02/02/2000 |
343 | VAT On Energy Saving Materials | 03/02/2000 | Signed | Andrew Stunell | 02/02/2000 |
342 | Ban On Ivory Trade | 03/02/2000 | Signed | David Chaytor | 02/02/2000 |
341 | Employment Among Older Workers | 03/02/2000 | Signed | Ann Cryer | 02/02/2000 |
338 | Testicular Cancer | 03/02/2000 | Signed | Jane Griffiths | 01/02/2000 |
334 | World Economic Forum | 03/02/2000 | Signed | John Hayes | 01/02/2000 |
333 | Cheltenham Sword Attack | 03/02/2000 | Signed | Paul Keetch | 01/02/2000 |
330 | Ion Ratiu | 03/02/2000 | Signed | Peter Viggers | 27/01/2000 |
331 | Export Of Live Farm Animals | 28/01/2000 | Signed | Gwyn Prosser | 28/01/2000 |
265 | Folic Acid And Spina Bifida Pregnancies | 28/01/2000 | Signed | Lynne Jones | 13/01/2000 |
317 | Warm Homes And Energy Conservation | 25/01/2000 | Signed | Alan Simpson | 25/01/2000 |
313 | Racial Assaults | 25/01/2000 | Signed | Harry Cohen | 24/01/2000 |
308 | Death Of British Newsmen In East Timor | 25/01/2000 | Signed | Don Foster | 24/01/2000 |
307 | Impact Of The Wto Rules On Animal Welfare | 25/01/2000 | Signed | Bill Etherington | 24/01/2000 |
302 | EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S TRUST | 25/01/2000 | Signed | Mike Hancock | 20/01/2000 |
312 | Tobin Tax | 24/01/2000 | Signed | Harry Barnes | 24/01/2000 |
294 | Sectarian Conflict In The Moluccas, Indonesia | 19/01/2000 | Signed | Win Griffiths | 18/01/2000 |
270A1 | Panorama Of London;amdt. Line 2: | 19/01/2000 | Signed | Brian H Donohoe | 18/01/2000 |
286 | Intellectual Property | 19/01/2000 | Signed | Peter Brand | 18/01/2000 |
281 | Unsolicited Fax Messages And Costs Of Prevention | 19/01/2000 | Signed | David Chidgey | 17/01/2000 |
280 | Delay In Returning Bus Pension Money | 19/01/2000 | Signed | Bob Russell | 17/01/2000 |
279 | Location Of The National Athletics Stadium | 19/01/2000 | Signed | Graham Brady | 17/01/2000 |
273 | George Orwell: 50th Anniversary Of His Death | 19/01/2000 | Signed | David Winnick | 17/01/2000 |
272 | Use Of Premium Rate Telephone Services | 19/01/2000 | Signed | Vincent Cable | 17/01/2000 |
287 | Special Educational Needs | 18/01/2000 | Signed | Roger Berry | 18/01/2000 |
233 | Air Sea Rescue Helicopter At Lee-On-the-solent | 12/01/2000 | Signed | Peter Viggers | 21/12/1999 |
230 | National Arts Day | 12/01/2000 | Signed | Austin Mitchell | 21/12/1999 |
228 | Leadership Of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak | 12/01/2000 | Signed | Stephen Twigg | 21/12/1999 |
226 | Burma | 12/01/2000 | Signed | Andrew Rowe | 21/12/1999 |
246 | Safety Of The Karmapa Lama | 11/01/2000 | Signed | Tim Loughton | 11/01/2000 |
244 | Conduct Of The Prime Minister (No. 2) | 11/01/2000 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 11/01/2000 |
243 | Football Supporters And The Football Task Force | 11/01/2000 | Signed | Derek Wyatt | 11/01/2000 |
218A1 | Westminster Methodist Central Hall;amdt. Line 1: | 21/12/1999 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 21/12/1999 |
223 | Funding Of The BBC | 21/12/1999 | Signed | Maria Fyfe | 20/12/1999 |
222 | Millennium | 21/12/1999 | Signed | Andrew Mackinlay | 20/12/1999 |
215 | Moratorium On The Death Penalty | 21/12/1999 | Signed | Hilary Benn | 16/12/1999 |
214 | Doctor-Patient Partnership Campaign On Sick Notes | 21/12/1999 | Signed | Doug Naysmith | 16/12/1999 |
199 | Future Energy Initiative | 21/12/1999 | Signed | Andrew Stunell | 15/12/1999 |
40 | Higher Education Pay And Conditions | 21/12/1999 | Signed | Brian Iddon | 17/11/1999 |
37 | Pen Needles On Prescription For Diabetics | 21/12/1999 | Signed | Adrian Sanders | 17/11/1999 |
217 | Utilities Bill | 20/12/1999 | Signed | David Chaytor | 20/12/1999 |
216 | The Utilities Bill And Renewable Energy | 16/12/1999 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 16/12/1999 |
205 | Debt Cancellation | 15/12/1999 | Signed | Julia Drown | 15/12/1999 |
175 | National Service Framework For Disablement Services | 15/12/1999 | Signed | Roger Berry | 09/12/1999 |
170 | Safer Country Lanes And Villages | 08/12/1999 | Signed | Peter Bradley | 08/12/1999 |
165 | Quitline | 08/12/1999 | Signed | Siobhain McDonagh | 08/12/1999 |
148 | Judicial Inquiry Into The Death Of Robert Hamill | 08/12/1999 | Signed | Kevin McNamara | 07/12/1999 |
160 | Sport In Schools | 08/12/1999 | Signed | Bob Russell | 07/12/1999 |
159 | Penalties For Dangerous Driving | 08/12/1999 | Signed | Tim Loughton | 07/12/1999 |
157 | Post Offices And Benefit Payments | 08/12/1999 | Signed | Steve Webb | 07/12/1999 |
156 | Stop On Green Campaign | 08/12/1999 | Signed | Andrew Stunell | 07/12/1999 |
141 | Liberal Democrat Party And Financial Services And Markets Bill | 08/12/1999 | Signed | Tim Loughton | 06/12/1999 |
137 | National School Fruit Scheme | 08/12/1999 | Signed | Brian Cotter | 06/12/1999 |
132 | WOMEN'S ROYAL VOLUNTARY SERVICE'S SUPPORT FOR OLDER VOLUNTEERS | 08/12/1999 | Signed | Claire Curtis-Thomas | 02/12/1999 |
138 | Crisis In Angola | 06/12/1999 | Signed | Tess Kingham | 06/12/1999 |
133 | High Hedges | 02/12/1999 | Signed | Lynne Jones | 02/12/1999 |
21 | National Standards For Care Homes | 02/12/1999 | Signed | Kerry Pollard | 17/11/1999 |
130 | Krishna Maharaj | 01/12/1999 | Signed | Oona King | 01/12/1999 |
126 | Whale Sanctuary | 01/12/1999 | Signed | Lindsay Hoyle | 30/11/1999 |
122 | Standards For Civil Protection In England And Wales | 01/12/1999 | Signed | Tom Brake | 30/11/1999 |
121 | Road Safety And Glow Power | 01/12/1999 | Signed | Kelvin Hopkins | 30/11/1999 |
118 | Emergency Contraception | 01/12/1999 | Signed | Jenny Tonge | 30/11/1999 |
116 | Whale Sanctuary In The Mediterranean | 01/12/1999 | Signed | Paul Marsden | 30/11/1999 |
115 | Caribbean Banana Growers | 01/12/1999 | Signed | Jenny Tonge | 30/11/1999 |
111 | Hiv/aids | 01/12/1999 | Signed | Neil Gerrard | 29/11/1999 |
104 | Malnutrition In The UK | 01/12/1999 | Signed | Howard Stoate | 25/11/1999 |
97 | Abdullah Ocalan | 01/12/1999 | Signed | John Austin | 25/11/1999 |
86 | Banks And Their Customers | 01/12/1999 | Signed | Norman Baker | 24/11/1999 |
85 | BBC World Service Television | 01/12/1999 | Signed | Ann Clwyd | 24/11/1999 |
120 | Use Of Housing Accounts | 30/11/1999 | Signed | Austin Mitchell | 30/11/1999 |
113 | Conduct Of The Prime Minister | 29/11/1999 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 29/11/1999 |
100 | Doorkeepers And Police In The Commons | 25/11/1999 | Signed | Tony Benn | 25/11/1999 |
89 | VAT On Sanitary Products | 24/11/1999 | Signed | Chris McCafferty | 24/11/1999 |
83 | Humanitarian Crisis In Chechnya | 24/11/1999 | Signed | Ann Clwyd | 23/11/1999 |
82 | Armed Forces Parliamentary Scheme | 24/11/1999 | Signed | Bob Russell | 23/11/1999 |
77 | Song For The Pilgrimage Trust | 24/11/1999 | Signed | Archy Kirkwood | 23/11/1999 |
71 | Disability Living Allowance Restrictions | 24/11/1999 | Signed | Stephen Hesford | 23/11/1999 |
67 | Violence Against Social Workers | 24/11/1999 | Signed | Andy King | 22/11/1999 |
58 | Postal Votes For Pensioners | 24/11/1999 | Signed | David Crausby | 18/11/1999 |
50 | Anti-Intimidation Unit For Northern Ireland | 24/11/1999 | Signed | Harry Barnes | 17/11/1999 |
47 | Quarantine For Rescue Dogs | 24/11/1999 | Signed | Nick Palmer | 17/11/1999 |
79 | British Standards Institution | 23/11/1999 | Signed | Linda Gilroy | 23/11/1999 |
51 | Organic Food And Farming Targets Bill | 17/11/1999 | Signed | Joan Ruddock | 17/11/1999 |
31 | Sense And Deafblind UK | 17/11/1999 | Signed | Tim Loughton | 17/11/1999 |
29 | Race Relations | 17/11/1999 | Signed | Oona King | 17/11/1999 |
27 | Hearing Tests | 17/11/1999 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 17/11/1999 |
23 | Conduct Of The Chancellor Of The Exchequer | 17/11/1999 | Signed | Norman Fowler | 17/11/1999 |
17 | Newspaper And Magazine Recycling | 17/11/1999 | Signed | David Chaytor | 17/11/1999 |