Whale Sanctuary In The Mediterranean
EDM number 116 in 1999-00, proposed by Paul Marsden on 30/11/1999.
That this House welcomes the agreement of the creation of a whale sanctuary in the Mediterranean, which is 84,000 square kilometres off the coasts of Italy, France and Monaco, which will protect sperm, fin and pilot whales, risso's dolphins and a host of animal and plant species; congratulates the Governments involved and praises the wildlife groups and scientists, in particular the World Wildlife Fund for Nature which have lobbied for the creation of a whale sanctuary for over 10 years; and notes that the adjacent land areas must reduce sewage and chemical pollutants and that steps should be taken to limit shipping including cruise liners and speed boats.
This motion has been signed by a total of 38 MPs, 1 of these signatures have been withdrawn.
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