Conduct Of The Rt. Honourable Member For North Tyneside
EDM number 590 in 1999-00, proposed by Angela Browning on 03/04/2000.
That this House expresses grave concern at the conduct of the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, the Right honourable Member for North Tyneside, in his failing to make public the full exchange of information between his Department and Rover/BMW since June 1999; considers it an affront to the House of Commons that on Thursday 30th March 2000 journalists and not the House were given a full briefing on the matter; notes that newspaper reports subsequently have alleged that details were either doctored or omitted; and calls upon the Secretary of State to deposit immediately all such letters, minutes and records in the Library so as to allow honourable Members the opportunity to study them in advance of the Trade and Industry Select Committee meeting on Wednesday 5th April 2000.
This motion has been signed by a total of 62 MPs.
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