Organ Donor Symbols On Credit And Bank Cards
EDM number 1107 in 1999-00, proposed by Hilary Benn on 31/10/2000.
That this House, bearing in mind the growing shortage of human organs for transplantation, congratulates Goldfish/HFC Bank on its support for a new scheme to allow the organ donor symbol to be put on its credit cards by customers; believes that this is an effective way of increasing the number of people carrying organ donor cards; welcomes the backing given to the scheme by the Department of Health and United Kingdom Transplant; applauds the interest shown both in this initiative and in the general promotion or organ donation by other financial services companies, including Nationwide, MBNA, Europay (Mastercard) and VISA; and expresses the hope that the whole industry will demonstrate its support for the scheme by adopting it for all customers in due course.
This motion has been signed by a total of 53 MPs.
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