Doctor-Patient Partnership Campaign On Sick Notes
EDM number 214 in 1999-00, proposed by Doug Naysmith on 16/12/1999.
That this House notes that the results of a nationwide survey demonstrated that one third of respondents thought that doctors' sick notes are needed after just three days of absence from work rather than the seven days required under the statutory sick pay legislation; believes that it is a very poor use of general practitioners' time for them to be writing sick notes after only three days off work when the condition may often be one that will get better of its own accord without medical help; congratulates the Doctor Patient Partnership for its campaign, in collaboration with the Department of Social Security, the Confederation of British Industry. the Federation of Small Businesses and the Forum of Private Business, which reminds employers and employees that sickness certificates from GPs are not necessary for absences from work of less than seven days; and calls on employers to help protect GPs' valuable time by not requesting their staff to visit their GP purely to obtain a sick note for absences of less than seven days.
This motion has been signed by a total of 48 MPs.
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