Number | Title | Signature Date | Signature Type | Proposer | Proposal Date |
1586 | Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin | 06/11/1995 | Signed | Timothy Sainsbury | 06/11/1995 |
1584 | Conduct Of Honourable Members And Election Expenses | 06/11/1995 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 06/11/1995 |
1563 | Bilateral Aid Programmes | 01/11/1995 | Signed | Jim Lester | 01/11/1995 |
1562 | Today In Parliament | 01/11/1995 | Signed | Michael Alison | 01/11/1995 |
1539 | PATRICK KELLY AND MICHAEL O'BRIEN | 30/10/1995 | Signed | Max Madden | 30/10/1995 |
1502 | Two Minute Silence | 30/10/1995 | Signed | Alfred Morris | 24/10/1995 |
1496 | Iraqis And Others Detained Without Trial In Iraq | 24/10/1995 | Signed | Emma Nicholson | 23/10/1995 |
1468A2 | High Standards Of Radio Three;amdt. Line 7: | 19/10/1995 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 19/10/1995 |
1468A1 | High Standards Of Radio Three;amdt. Line 1: | 19/10/1995 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 19/10/1995 |
1376 | Release Of Aung San Suu Kyi | 19/10/1995 | Signed | Paul Murphy | 10/07/1995 |
1374 | Homeless People And Electoral Registers | 19/10/1995 | Signed | Harry Barnes | 10/07/1995 |
1358A1 | Labour Landslides And Socialist Values;amdt. Line 1: | 19/10/1995 | Signed | David Shaw | 06/07/1995 |
1353 | Year And A Day Rule On Murder | 19/10/1995 | Signed | Alan Milburn | 05/07/1995 |
1471 | Effect Of The Peace Train Organisation | 17/10/1995 | Signed | Harry Barnes | 17/10/1995 |
1438 | Freezing Of Sinn Fein Assets In The United States Of America | 19/07/1995 | Signed | Harry Barnes | 19/07/1995 |
1267 | Prosecution Of British Paedophile Tourists | 19/07/1995 | Signed | Ivan Lawrence | 20/06/1995 |
1435 | Conduct Of Recorder Roger Keen And The Case Of Mr Stuart Hicken | 18/07/1995 | Signed | John Sykes | 18/07/1995 |
1434 | Mr Stuart Hicken | 18/07/1995 | Signed | John Sykes | 18/07/1995 |
1423 | Integrity Of Shelter | 17/07/1995 | Signed | Diana Maddock | 17/07/1995 |
1359 | Rubbish | 05/07/1995 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 05/07/1995 |
1351 | Tax And Press Proprietors | 04/07/1995 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 04/07/1995 |
1345 | Road Crossings At Westminster | 04/07/1995 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 04/07/1995 |
1326 | Death Of Senator Gordon Wilson | 30/06/1995 | Signed | Michael Connarty | 29/06/1995 |
1314 | Fiftieth Anniversary Of The Founding Of The United Nations | 30/06/1995 | Signed | Robert Parry | 28/06/1995 |
1300 | Families Of The Disappeared | 27/06/1995 | Signed | Harry Barnes | 26/06/1995 |
1286 | National Lottery "instants" | 27/06/1995 | Signed | Lynne Jones | 22/06/1995 |
1299 | Congratulations To South Africa In Winning The Rugby Union World Cup | 26/06/1995 | Signed | Peter Temple-Morris | 26/06/1995 |
1280 | Brent Spar | 21/06/1995 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 21/06/1995 |
1243A1 | Ilo And Gchq;amdt. Line 5: | 20/06/1995 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 20/06/1995 |
1256 | BBC Coverage Of UK By-Elections | 20/06/1995 | Signed | James Molyneaux | 15/06/1995 |
1239 | Aung San Suu Kyi | 20/06/1995 | Signed | John Garrett | 13/06/1995 |
1255 | South Thames Tec | 15/06/1995 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 15/06/1995 |
1235 | Labour Party Policy On The Union Of The United Kingdom | 12/06/1995 | Signed | Cranley Onslow | 12/06/1995 |
1223 | INDEPENDENT REVIEW BODIES' RECOMMENDATION | 12/06/1995 | Signed | Alfred Morris | 12/06/1995 |
1218 | Use Of Bed And Breakfast Accommodation In London | 08/06/1995 | Signed | Diana Maddock | 08/06/1995 |
1216 | Death Penalty In South Africa | 08/06/1995 | Signed | Chris Mullin | 08/06/1995 |
1117A1 | Loss Leading By Supermarkets;amdt. Line 2: | 07/06/1995 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 07/06/1995 |
1201 | The Last Temptation Of Christ | 07/06/1995 | Signed | Martin Smyth | 06/06/1995 |
1199 | Britain And The Ilo | 06/06/1995 | Seconded | Denis MacShane | 06/06/1995 |
1189 | Tgwu Election | 31/05/1995 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 31/05/1995 |
1179A1 | Harold Wilson;amdt. Line 4: | 25/05/1995 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 25/05/1995 |
1177 | BBC World Service And Mr Michael Williams | 25/05/1995 | Signed | Peter Temple-Morris | 24/05/1995 |
1151 | Mr Sunday Ogunwobi | 25/05/1995 | Signed | Diane Abbott | 22/05/1995 |
1112A1 | Publicity In Sexual Offence Cases;amdt. Line 3: | 25/05/1995 | Signed | Robin Corbett | 11/05/1995 |
1159 | European Development Fund | 22/05/1995 | Signed | Robert Hughes | 22/05/1995 |
1141 | Misjudgement Of The Editor Of The Guardian | 17/05/1995 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 17/05/1995 |
1114A1 | Association Of London Government;amdt. Line 5: | 16/05/1995 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 16/05/1995 |
1122 | Retirement Of Archbishop Worlock | 16/05/1995 | Signed | Peter Kilfoyle | 15/05/1995 |
1125 | ARREST OF EDITOR AND OTHERS OF ZIMBABWE'S FINANCIAL GAZETTE | 15/05/1995 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 15/05/1995 |
1097 | Nurses Day | 10/05/1995 | Signed | Margaret Ewing | 09/05/1995 |
1092 | Sexism And The Taxation System | 10/05/1995 | Signed | Harry Barnes | 09/05/1995 |
1090 | Boxing | 10/05/1995 | Signed | Jimmy Wray | 09/05/1995 |
1086 | Bletchley Park | 10/05/1995 | Signed | Rupert Allason | 04/05/1995 |
1065A1 | Norwegian Whaling;amdt. Line 10: | 04/05/1995 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 04/05/1995 |
1078A6 | Support For No Diet Day;amdt. Line 16: | 04/05/1995 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 04/05/1995 |
1078A5 | Support For No Diet Day;amdt. Line 6: | 04/05/1995 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 04/05/1995 |
1072A1 | First World War Executions (No. 2);amdt. Line 3: | 04/05/1995 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 04/05/1995 |
1078A4 | Support For No Diet Day;amdt. Line 6: | 04/05/1995 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 04/05/1995 |
1078A3 | Support For No Diet Day;amdt. Line 6: | 04/05/1995 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 04/05/1995 |
1078A2 | Support For No Diet Day;amdt. Line 4: | 04/05/1995 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 04/05/1995 |
1045A1 | Conduct Of The Rt Hon Member For Yeovil And Southampton;amdt. Line 12: | 04/05/1995 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 04/05/1995 |
1078A1 | Support For No Diet Day;amdt. Line 1: | 04/05/1995 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 04/05/1995 |
1077 | Victims Of The Ira | 04/05/1995 | Signed | Harry Barnes | 02/05/1995 |
1062A1 | Nspcc Campaign, A Cry For Children;amdt. Line 4: | 04/05/1995 | Signed | Llin Golding | 02/05/1995 |
1052 | NATION'S DEBT TO SIR WINSTON CHURCHILL | 04/05/1995 | Signed | Patrick Cormack | 01/05/1995 |
1027 | Renaissance Maritime Charitable Trust | 04/05/1995 | Signed | David Jamieson | 25/04/1995 |
1036A2 | Diversity Of Media Ownership And Channel 5;amdt. Line 12: | 26/04/1995 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 26/04/1995 |
1036A1 | Diversity Of Media Ownership And Channel 5;amdt. Line 1: | 26/04/1995 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 26/04/1995 |
1037 | Predatory Pricing Of Newspapers | 26/04/1995 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 26/04/1995 |
1029 | Remembrance Sunday | 26/04/1995 | Signed | Alfred Morris | 26/04/1995 |
1015 | Sunday Times | 20/04/1995 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 20/04/1995 |
966A2 | Mr Nick Ingram And The Death Penalty In The United States;amdt. Line 4: | 05/04/1995 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 05/04/1995 |
966A1 | Mr Nick Ingram And The Death Penalty In The United States;amdt. Line 3: | 05/04/1995 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 05/04/1995 |
939 | Sir Charles Irving | 03/04/1995 | Signed | Nigel Jones | 30/03/1995 |
937 | Northern Ireland (No. 2) | 29/03/1995 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 29/03/1995 |
936 | Malta And The European Union | 29/03/1995 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 29/03/1995 |
866 | Journalists And Parliament (No. 3) | 22/03/1995 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 22/03/1995 |
843A2 | Transport Research Laboratory;amdt. Line 10: | 21/03/1995 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 21/03/1995 |
843A1 | Transport Research Laboratory;amdt. Line 1: | 21/03/1995 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 21/03/1995 |
828A1 | Driving Tests And Safety;amdt. Line 2: | 21/03/1995 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 21/03/1995 |
857 | Journalists And Parliament (No. 2) | 21/03/1995 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 21/03/1995 |
841A1 | Northern Ireland;amdt. Line 4: | 21/03/1995 | Signed | Harry Barnes | 17/03/1995 |
853 | European Union | 20/03/1995 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 20/03/1995 |
852 | Sir James Kilfedder | 20/03/1995 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 20/03/1995 |
848 | Journalists And Parliament | 20/03/1995 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 20/03/1995 |
846 | Crash Test Legislation | 20/03/1995 | Signed | Paul Channon | 20/03/1995 |
793 | Purposes Of Politics | 13/03/1995 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 13/03/1995 |
658 | Taxis For Users With Wheelchairs | 22/02/1995 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 22/02/1995 |
652 | High Earning | 21/02/1995 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 21/02/1995 |
634 | Opposition Day, 13th February | 17/02/1995 | Signed | David Nicholson | 17/02/1995 |
377 | Home Income Plans | 16/02/1995 | Signed | Paul Tyler | 12/01/1995 |
609 | Companies House | 14/02/1995 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 14/02/1995 |
605 | Filming In Committee Rooms | 14/02/1995 | Signed | Clive Soley | 14/02/1995 |
577 | BBC Programme "farming Today" | 14/02/1995 | Signed | Paul Tyler | 08/02/1995 |
602 | MR SALMAN RUSHDIE AND THE EUROPEAN UNION'S CRITICAL DIALOGUE WITH IRAN | 13/02/1995 | Signed | Mark Fisher | 13/02/1995 |
599 | Bicycles | 10/02/1995 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 10/02/1995 |
527 | Death And Injury Caused By Heavy Goods Vehicles | 01/02/1995 | Signed | Gwyneth Dunwoody | 01/02/1995 |
488 | Foundation For Sport And The Arts | 25/01/1995 | Signed | Jim Spicer | 25/01/1995 |
459 | Law And Justice | 24/01/1995 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 24/01/1995 |
456 | Twenty-Third Anniversary Of The Deaths In Derry, Co Londonderry | 24/01/1995 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 24/01/1995 |
386 | Raoul Wallenberg | 18/01/1995 | Signed | Vivian Bendall | 16/01/1995 |
330 | Pay Negotiation Rights In The Health Service In Northern Ireland | 10/01/1995 | Signed | Eddie McGrady | 10/01/1995 |
329 | Future Of The Council For Education In World Citizenship | 10/01/1995 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 10/01/1995 |
237A1 | Electoral Registration;amdt. Line 6: | 13/12/1994 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 13/12/1994 |
248 | William Tyndale | 13/12/1994 | Signed | Alan Howarth | 12/12/1994 |
250 | Respect For The Metropolitan Police | 12/12/1994 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 12/12/1994 |
130 | Badger Culling And Bovine Tb | 30/11/1994 | Signed | Elliot Morley | 25/11/1994 |
127 | True Views On Europe | 24/11/1994 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 24/11/1994 |
117 | Political Speeches | 23/11/1994 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 23/11/1994 |
98 | Ship Safety, Marine Pollution And The Donaldson Inquiry | 23/11/1994 | Signed | Joan Walley | 23/11/1994 |
20 | Launch Of The Fairtrade Mark | 16/11/1994 | Signed | Glenda Jackson | 16/11/1994 |
8 | Farming Of Fur Bearing Animals | 16/11/1994 | Signed | Elliot Morley | 16/11/1994 |
4 | Child Benefit | 16/11/1994 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 16/11/1994 |
2 | Environmental Claims | 16/11/1994 | Signed | Alan Keen | 16/11/1994 |