Number | Title | Signature Date | Signature Type | Proposer | Proposal Date |
1699 | Media And Public Life (No. 2) | 01/11/1994 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 01/11/1994 |
1688 | Media And Public Life | 31/10/1994 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 31/10/1994 |
1668A1 | Mountain Bikes;amdt. Line 1: | 27/10/1994 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 27/10/1994 |
1635 | Lord Avebury And Turkey | 27/10/1994 | Signed | Simon Hughes | 21/10/1994 |
1634 | Compassion In World Farming | 27/10/1994 | Signed | Harry Barnes | 21/10/1994 |
1626 | Price Of Hansard | 27/10/1994 | Signed | Terence Higgins | 20/10/1994 |
1502 | Sale Of British Property In Spain | 13/07/1994 | Signed | Gwyneth Dunwoody | 13/07/1994 |
1428A4 | Bull Bars On Motor Vehicles;amdt. Line 6: | 05/07/1994 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 05/07/1994 |
1428A3 | Bull Bars On Motor Vehicles;amdt. Line 6: | 05/07/1994 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 05/07/1994 |
1428A2 | Bull Bars On Motor Vehicles;amdt. Line 5: | 05/07/1994 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 05/07/1994 |
1428A1 | Bull Bars On Motor Vehicles;amdt. Line 1: | 05/07/1994 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 05/07/1994 |
1407A2 | Newspaper Price Wars;amdt. Line 1: | 05/07/1994 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 05/07/1994 |
1411 | Extradition Of Sally Croft And Susan Hagan | 28/06/1994 | Signed | Roger Moate | 28/06/1994 |
1410 | LLOYD'S SYNDICATES | 28/06/1994 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 28/06/1994 |
1396 | Roy Usher Mbe | 27/06/1994 | Signed | Stanley Orme | 27/06/1994 |
1370 | Daily Record And Syringe Sweets | 22/06/1994 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 22/06/1994 |
1356 | Chris Moncrieff | 21/06/1994 | Signed | Tristan Garel-Jones | 21/06/1994 |
1325A1 | 75th Anniversary Of The International Labour Organisation;amdt. Line 7: | 21/06/1994 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 21/06/1994 |
1348 | Animal Welfare And The Gatt | 21/06/1994 | Signed | Elliot Morley | 20/06/1994 |
1346 | Krombeke And Sint-Eloois-winkel Harness Races | 21/06/1994 | Signed | Tony Banks | 17/06/1994 |
1339 | Fiftieth Anniversary Of The Attempt To Assassinate Adolf Hitler | 21/06/1994 | Signed | Peter Hordern | 16/06/1994 |
1320 | Road Safety Education In Schools | 14/06/1994 | Signed | David Marshall | 14/06/1994 |
1292 | Landlord And Tenant (Covenants) Bill | 14/06/1994 | Signed | Peter Thurnham | 24/05/1994 |
979 | Unesco | 14/06/1994 | Signed | Ted Rowlands | 29/03/1994 |
1280 | Iraqi Kurdistan | 23/05/1994 | Signed | Ann Clwyd | 23/05/1994 |
1142 | Official Report | 29/04/1994 | Signed | Tony Benn | 28/04/1994 |
1139 | Centenary Of The Irish Congress Of Trade Unions | 29/04/1994 | Signed | Harry Barnes | 27/04/1994 |
1108 | Shaftesbury Sunday - 150 Years Of Care In Action | 29/04/1994 | Signed | Andrew Rowe | 25/04/1994 |
1011 | Bob Cryer | 29/04/1994 | Signed | Tony Benn | 13/04/1994 |
1128 | Xi Yang And Freedom Of The Press In Hong Kong | 27/04/1994 | Signed | Austin Mitchell | 27/04/1994 |
1110 | Us Ambassador | 25/04/1994 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 25/04/1994 |
1034A2 | Transport Research Laboratory (No. 2);amdt. Line 14: | 20/04/1994 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 20/04/1994 |
1034A1 | Transport Research Laboratory (No. 2);amdt. Line 5: | 20/04/1994 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 20/04/1994 |
1072 | Mr Dennis Potter | 19/04/1994 | Signed | Harry Barnes | 19/04/1994 |
1051 | London Voluntary Youth Organisations | 19/04/1994 | Signed | Malcolm Wicks | 19/04/1994 |
1026 | House Of Commons Terrace (No. 2) | 14/04/1994 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 14/04/1994 |
1025 | House Of Commons Terrace | 14/04/1994 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 14/04/1994 |
990 | Transport Research Laboratory | 31/03/1994 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 31/03/1994 |
948 | Disabled Anglers And The National Rivers Authority | 24/03/1994 | Signed | George Howarth | 24/03/1994 |
940 | Leasehold Enfranchisement | 23/03/1994 | Signed | Bridget Prentice | 23/03/1994 |
941 | Introduction Of Commonhold | 23/03/1994 | Signed | Bridget Prentice | 23/03/1994 |
896A1 | Ferry Services At Ballycastle;amdt. Line 1: | 23/03/1994 | Signed | Kate Hoey | 23/03/1994 |
912 | Right To Statutory Interest On Commercial Debt | 22/03/1994 | Signed | Ken Purchase | 22/03/1994 |
870A1 | Causing Death By Careless Driving;amdt. Line 12: | 17/03/1994 | Seconded | Norman A Godman | 16/03/1994 |
880 | Daily Telegraph And Access To Higher Education | 17/03/1994 | Signed | Jeff Rooker | 16/03/1994 |
879 | National Science Week And The Royal Society Of Chemistry | 17/03/1994 | Signed | Michael Clark | 16/03/1994 |
876 | Dial-A-ride And Taxicard Users Campaign | 17/03/1994 | Signed | John Hannam | 16/03/1994 |
819 | Bicentenary Of The Yeomanry | 11/03/1994 | Signed | Jerry Wiggin | 11/03/1994 |
805 | Smoking In The Library Of The House | 11/03/1994 | Signed | Anne Campbell | 10/03/1994 |
814 | Visit Of The Indian Prime Minister (No. 2) | 10/03/1994 | Signed | Toby Jessel | 10/03/1994 |
744 | Honourable Members And Constituency Matters | 09/03/1994 | Signed | Anthony Grant | 03/03/1994 |
774 | Standard Spending Assessment For Greenwich | 08/03/1994 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 08/03/1994 |
761A1 | Membership Of The Court Of The Bank Of England;amdt. Line 3: | 08/03/1994 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 08/03/1994 |
760 | Anne Maguire | 08/03/1994 | Signed | Harry Barnes | 07/03/1994 |
759 | Compensation Rights To The Victims Of Terrorism | 08/03/1994 | Signed | Harry Barnes | 07/03/1994 |
752 | Commonwealth Day On Monday 14th March 1994 | 08/03/1994 | Signed | Colin Shepherd | 04/03/1994 |
754 | Public Interest Immunity | 04/03/1994 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 04/03/1994 |
748 | Human Rights In Turkey And Arrest Of Mps | 03/03/1994 | Signed | Simon Hughes | 03/03/1994 |
743 | Seal Killing | 03/03/1994 | Signed | Elliot Morley | 03/03/1994 |
709 | Cycle Routes | 01/03/1994 | Signed | Nick Harvey | 01/03/1994 |
598 | Sale Of Seal Penises To China | 11/02/1994 | Signed | Tony Banks | 11/02/1994 |
588 | Rough Sleepers Initiative | 10/02/1994 | Signed | John Battle | 10/02/1994 |
574 | Police Sergeant Derek Robertson | 10/02/1994 | Signed | Michael Shersby | 09/02/1994 |
570 | Gas Safety | 10/02/1994 | Signed | Neil Gerrard | 09/02/1994 |
549 | RELIGIOUS FREEDOM IN THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA | 10/02/1994 | Signed | David Alton | 08/02/1994 |
543 | Export Of Live Farm Animals | 10/02/1994 | Signed | Elliot Morley | 08/02/1994 |
562 | Forestry Commission Land Sell Off And Public Access | 09/02/1994 | Seconded | Paddy Tipping | 09/02/1994 |
525 | Continuing Imprisonment Of Neil Latimer | 07/02/1994 | Signed | James Molyneaux | 03/02/1994 |
533 | Sales Techniques Of Electricity Companies | 03/02/1994 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 03/02/1994 |
389A3 | Double Summer Time;amdt. Line 1: | 03/02/1994 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 03/02/1994 |
514 | Ugandan Debt | 03/02/1994 | Signed | Jim Lester | 02/02/1994 |
513 | Nissan Motors | 03/02/1994 | Signed | Roland Boyes | 02/02/1994 |
506 | Northern Ireland Peace Process | 03/02/1994 | Signed | Harry Barnes | 02/02/1994 |
437A3 | Disappearance Of General Secretary Of The Iranian Assemblies Of God;amdt. Line 10: | 03/02/1994 | Signed | Anthony Coombs | 01/02/1994 |
437A2 | Disappearance Of General Secretary Of The Iranian Assemblies Of God;amdt. Line 7: | 03/02/1994 | Signed | Anthony Coombs | 01/02/1994 |
437A1 | Disappearance Of General Secretary Of The Iranian Assemblies Of God;amdt. Line 1: | 03/02/1994 | Signed | Anthony Coombs | 01/02/1994 |
452 | Overseas Domestic Workers | 03/02/1994 | Signed | Dudley Fishburn | 26/01/1994 |
439 | Brian Redhead (No. 2) | 03/02/1994 | Signed | Nicholas Winterton | 25/01/1994 |
423 | Brian Redhead | 03/02/1994 | Signed | David Steel | 24/01/1994 |
268 | Slaughter Of Animals | 03/02/1994 | Signed | Alan Meale | 15/12/1993 |
140 | Ramblers Association | 03/02/1994 | Signed | Alan Meale | 01/12/1993 |
133 | Jackie Charlton | 03/02/1994 | Signed | Tom Pendry | 30/11/1993 |
15 | France And Drift Nets | 03/02/1994 | Signed | Elliot Morley | 18/11/1993 |
505 | British Youth Council | 02/02/1994 | Signed | Charles Hendry | 02/02/1994 |
485 | Commonwealth Games Of 2002 | 01/02/1994 | Seconded | Rhodes Boyson | 31/01/1994 |
482 | International Telefax Directory & Sharp Practices | 31/01/1994 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 31/01/1994 |
480 | Mr Paul Goodall | 31/01/1994 | Signed | Gordon Prentice | 31/01/1994 |
456 | Families In Focus | 26/01/1994 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 26/01/1994 |
451 | Arts Of The United Kingdom | 26/01/1994 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 26/01/1994 |
449 | Screening Of "in The Name Of The Father" | 26/01/1994 | Signed | Harry Barnes | 26/01/1994 |
355 | Closure Of Bail Hostels | 26/01/1994 | Signed | Gerald Bermingham | 17/01/1994 |
307 | Southern Ocean Sanctuary For Whales | 17/12/1993 | Signed | Elliot Morley | 17/12/1993 |
262A1 | Enfranchisement Of Women And 90th Anniversary Of Woolwich Labour Party;amdt. Line 8: | 16/12/1993 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 16/12/1993 |
227A1 | Bovine Tuberculosis And Badgers;amdt. Line 1: | 16/12/1993 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 16/12/1993 |
259 | Law On Murder | 16/12/1993 | Signed | Alan Milburn | 14/12/1993 |
241A1 | Future Of The Post Office;amdt. Line 3: | 16/12/1993 | Signed | Michael Stern | 14/12/1993 |
249A1 | Use Of The Word Aye;amdt. Line 1: | 16/12/1993 | Signed | David Trimble | 14/12/1993 |
242 | Overseas Aid | 16/12/1993 | Signed | Dafydd Wigley | 13/12/1993 |
77 | Design Of Safer Cars | 24/11/1993 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 24/11/1993 |
29 | Popular Activities For Peace In Northern Ireland | 24/11/1993 | Signed | Harry Barnes | 18/11/1993 |
21 | Transport Of Live Animals | 18/11/1993 | Signed | Andrew Bowden | 18/11/1993 |
17 | Badger Culling | 18/11/1993 | Signed | Elliot Morley | 18/11/1993 |
11 | Housing Benefit | 18/11/1993 | Signed | Paul Tyler | 18/11/1993 |
5 | EQUALITY OF TREATMENT AND TEACHERS' SUPERANNUATION | 18/11/1993 | Signed | Harry Barnes | 18/11/1993 |
389 | Double Summer Time | Unknown | Withdrawn | Angela Rumbold | 19/01/1994 |