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Anne Maguire

EDM number 760 in 1993-94, proposed by Harry Barnes on 07/03/1994.

That this House notes the wrongful conviction and imprisonment in 1976 of the Maguire 7 on bomb-making charges connected with the Guildford bombings of 1974; regrets that Anne Maguire spent nine years in prison; further regrets that her husband and two of her sons, Vince, and Patrick, who was 13 when arrested, were also jailed, while her third son and her daughter grew up without their mother; warmly welcomes the publication on 8th March of Anne Maguire's book, Why Me? - One Women's Fight for Justice and Dignity, which gives her account of her experiences and campaign to prove that she and her family were innocent; and agrees with the comment by Patrick Maguire in a recent open letter to Sinn Fein President, Gerry Adams, that while 'the police and the British legal system failed us all...if there had been no IRA bombing campaign in Britain, there would have been no miscarriages of justice.'.

This motion has been signed by a total of 27 MPs, 1 of these signatures have been withdrawn.

Harry Barnes07/03/1994North East DerbyshireProposed
Robert Parry08/03/1994Liverpool, RiversideSigned
Terry Lewis08/03/1994WorsleySigned
Calum MacDonald08/03/1994Na h-Eileanan an IarSigned
Michael Connarty08/03/1994Falkirk EastSigned
Norman Godman08/03/1994Greenock and Port GlasgowSigned
John Gunnell08/03/1994Leeds South and MorleySigned
Peter Bottomley08/03/1994ElthamSigned
Mike Hall09/03/1994Warrington SouthSigned
David Winnick09/03/1994Walsall NorthSigned
Janet Anderson09/03/1994Rossendale & DarwenSigned
Michael Clapham09/03/1994Barnsley West & PenistoneSigned
Ronnie Campbell09/03/1994Blyth ValleySigned
Peter Kilfoyle09/03/1994Liverpool, WaltonSigned
John Heppell09/03/1994Nottingham EastSigned
Rhodri Morgan10/03/1994Cardiff WestSigned
Richard Burden10/03/1994Birmingham, NorthfieldSigned
Ian Davidson10/03/1994Glasgow, GovanSigned
David Alton10/03/1994Liverpool Mossley HillSigned
John Battle10/03/1994Leeds WestSigned
Eddie Loyden11/03/1994Liverpool, GarstonSigned
Derek Enright11/03/1994HemsworthSigned
Max Madden14/03/1994Bradford WestSigned
Harry Cohen14/03/1994LeytonSigned
Clive Soley15/03/1994HammersmithSigned
Ian McCartney15/03/1994MakerfieldSigned
Bob CryerUnknownWithdrawn

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