Number | Title | Signature Date | Signature Type | Proposer | Proposal Date |
836 | Voting Rights For The Homeless | 10/03/1992 | Signed | Llin Golding | 10/03/1992 |
822 | Eltham Labour News | 05/03/1992 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 05/03/1992 |
743A3 | Traditional Counties And The Local Government Commission;amdt. Line 8: | 05/03/1992 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 05/03/1992 |
821 | Parental Choice And Catholic Secondary Schools In Greenwich | 05/03/1992 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 05/03/1992 |
808 | Christian Aid And Third World Debt | 05/03/1992 | Signed | Dennis Turner | 04/03/1992 |
806 | Rabies Protection In The British Isles | 05/03/1992 | Signed | David Shaw | 04/03/1992 |
779 | Commonwealth Day On Monday 9th March 1992 | 05/03/1992 | Signed | Colin Shepherd | 02/03/1992 |
749 | Animal Welfare During The U.k. Presidency Of The E.c. | 05/03/1992 | Signed | Janet Fookes | 25/02/1992 |
780A1 | CHILDREN'S SAFETY;Amdt. line 3: | 03/03/1992 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 03/03/1992 |
769 | Peace And Progress In Northern Ireland | 03/03/1992 | Signed | Harry Barnes | 27/02/1992 |
746A1 | Future Of Thamesmead East;amdt. Line 6: | 27/02/1992 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 27/02/1992 |
757 | Hanging | 26/02/1992 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 26/02/1992 |
755 | Archbishop Of Canterbury | 26/02/1992 | Signed | Paul Flynn | 26/02/1992 |
712 | Restrictions On Live Music In Pubs | 25/02/1992 | Signed | Tom Pendry | 19/02/1992 |
277 | European Community Tax On Spirits | 24/02/1992 | Signed | Michael Colvin | 27/11/1991 |
178 | Scotch Whisky And The Single European Market | 24/02/1992 | Signed | Hector Monro | 15/11/1991 |
685 | Victims Of The Ira | 17/02/1992 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 17/02/1992 |
668 | Health Services In The South East Thames Region | 12/02/1992 | Signed | Bob Dunn | 12/02/1992 |
642 | Cruelty Of Criminal Killings | 06/02/1992 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 06/02/1992 |
580 | FORTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF HER MAJESTY'S ACCESSION | 05/02/1992 | Signed | James Kilfedder | 29/01/1992 |
549 | Labour Taxation Plans | 23/01/1992 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 23/01/1992 |
531A1 | CITIZEN'S CHARTER AND PORNOGRAPHIC TELEPHONE SERVICES;Amdt. line 5: | 22/01/1992 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 22/01/1992 |
540 | Widgery Tribunal | 22/01/1992 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 22/01/1992 |
504 | Badgers And Tuberculosis In Cattle | 22/01/1992 | Signed | Tony Banks | 20/01/1992 |
464 | Parliamentary Channel | 22/01/1992 | Signed | Graham Allen | 13/01/1992 |
506 | The Hospice Movement | 20/01/1992 | Signed | Ann Winterton | 20/01/1992 |
499 | Social Service Assessments | 17/01/1992 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 17/01/1992 |
482 | Office Of Serjeant At Arms And Badge Messenger | 17/01/1992 | Signed | Harry Ewing | 15/01/1992 |
460 | Conduct Of The Official Opposition | 19/12/1991 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 19/12/1991 |
428 | Press Reports | 17/12/1991 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 17/12/1991 |
306 | Freedom Of The European Press | 16/12/1991 | Signed | Roger Gale | 02/12/1991 |
381 | Prime Minister And The Maastricht Summit | 11/12/1991 | Signed | Norman Fowler | 11/12/1991 |
370 | "GIVE A DAMN-DON'T GIVE A PET" CAMPAIGN | 11/12/1991 | Signed | Roger Gale | 10/12/1991 |
363 | Mr Lorrain Osman | 11/12/1991 | Signed | Robert Parry | 10/12/1991 |
369 | Human Rights | 10/12/1991 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 10/12/1991 |
368 | Tropical Rainforest Destruction In Sarawak | 10/12/1991 | Signed | Jim Lester | 10/12/1991 |
333 | Brook Advisory Clinic In Northern Ireland | 04/12/1991 | Signed | Kate Hoey | 04/12/1991 |
285 | Review Of The Beer Orders | 04/12/1991 | Signed | Peter L Pike | 27/11/1991 |
322 | New Consensus Peace Vigil | 03/12/1991 | Signed | Harry Barnes | 03/12/1991 |
275 | War Crimes (No.2) | 26/11/1991 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 26/11/1991 |
234 | Democracy And Human Rights In Burma | 26/11/1991 | Signed | Keith Raffan | 21/11/1991 |
245 | War Crimes | 25/11/1991 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 25/11/1991 |
227 | Role Of Rigoberta Menchu In Guatemala | 21/11/1991 | Signed | Maria Fyfe | 21/11/1991 |
224 | Overseas Aid | 21/11/1991 | Proposed | Peter Bottomley | 21/11/1991 |
173 | South Africa | 19/11/1991 | Signed | Ernie Ross | 14/11/1991 |
129 | Armed Forces Pension Scheme | 19/11/1991 | Signed | James Wallace | 12/11/1991 |
119 | Independent Newsagents | 19/11/1991 | Signed | Archy Kirkwood | 11/11/1991 |
130 | Proposed Withdrawal Of Legal Aid For Immigration And Asylum Advice | 18/11/1991 | Signed | Timothy Raison | 12/11/1991 |
169 | Opposition Policies On Europe | 14/11/1991 | Signed | Norman Fowler | 14/11/1991 |
113 | Visits To Prisoners By Journalists | 07/11/1991 | Signed | Allan Rogers | 07/11/1991 |
54 | Privatisation | 31/10/1991 | Signed | Giles Shaw | 31/10/1991 |