Number | Title | Signature Date | Signature Type | Proposer | Proposal Date |
1288 | Obesity And Type 2 Diabetes | 22/04/2013 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 22/04/2013 |
1266 | Eradication Of Polio Worldwide | 22/04/2013 | Signed | Tony Baldry | 15/04/2013 |
1167 | 10th Anniversary Of Recognition Of British Sign Language | 18/04/2013 | Signed | Malcolm Bruce | 11/03/2013 |
1069 | Atypical Haemolytic Uraemic Syndrome | 10/04/2013 | Signed | John Leech | 12/02/2013 |
1239 | Tax On Sugary Drinks | 22/03/2013 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 22/03/2013 |
1189 | Alcohol Pricing | 22/03/2013 | Seconded | George Galloway | 14/03/2013 |
1201 | G4S Treatment Of Olympic Park Sub-Contractors | 22/03/2013 | Signed | Barry Sheerman | 14/03/2013 |
1170 | Supporting Children And Young People With Type 1 Diabetes | 18/03/2013 | Signed | Adrian Sanders | 12/03/2013 |
1067 | Restoration Of Education Maintenance Allowance | 18/03/2013 | Signed | Jeremy Corbyn | 12/02/2013 |
1182 | Pope Francis I | 14/03/2013 | Seconded | David Amess | 13/03/2013 |
1146 | Sugar And Diabetes | 05/03/2013 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 05/03/2013 |
1062 | Water Supply In Gaza | 28/02/2013 | Signed | Mike Wood | 12/02/2013 |
1101 | Soft Drinks Tax | 26/02/2013 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 26/02/2013 |
1064 | Tackling Childhood Obesity | 12/02/2013 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 12/02/2013 |
1063 | Post Office And Police Station Closures | 12/02/2013 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 12/02/2013 |
1049 | Angus Lawson Memorial Trust | 06/02/2013 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 06/02/2013 |
1002 | Retirement Of Rebecca Adlington OBE | 05/02/2013 | Signed | Alan Meale | 31/01/2013 |
1008 | University Of Leicester And Richard Iii | 04/02/2013 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 04/02/2013 |
1007 | Sugar Reduction In Soft Drinks (No. 2) | 01/02/2013 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 01/02/2013 |
968 | Sugar Reduction In Soft Drinks | 24/01/2013 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 24/01/2013 |
936 | Abortions Of Baby Girls | 23/01/2013 | Signed | Fiona Bruce | 16/01/2013 |
919 | Recognition Of Mary Seacole | 23/01/2013 | Signed | Alan Meale | 15/01/2013 |
945 | Recording Of Islamophobia As A Crime | 21/01/2013 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 21/01/2013 |
942 | Tribute To Paul Mckeever | 21/01/2013 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 21/01/2013 |
911 | Death Of Lord Tarsem King Of West Bromwich | 14/01/2013 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 14/01/2013 |
910 | Sugar, Salt And Fat Content In Food And Drinks | 14/01/2013 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 14/01/2013 |
877 | Brutal Gang Rape And Murder In New Delhi, India | 10/01/2013 | Signed | Virendra Kumar Sharma | 07/01/2013 |
820 | Obesity And Diabetes | 05/12/2012 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 05/12/2012 |
804 | Succession To The Crown | 03/12/2012 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 03/12/2012 |
750 | Diabetes UK 4 Ts Campaign | 27/11/2012 | Signed | George Howarth | 20/11/2012 |
769 | Obesity | 26/11/2012 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 26/11/2012 |
738 | Aid To India | 26/11/2012 | Signed | Barry Gardiner | 19/11/2012 |
726 | Diabetes Blue Monument Challenge And Downing Street | 13/11/2012 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 13/11/2012 |
702 | Noor Inayat Khan Memorial | 13/11/2012 | Signed | Valerie Vaz | 08/11/2012 |
706 | Community-Led Diabetes Prevention | 08/11/2012 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 08/11/2012 |
696 | Us Election | 07/11/2012 | Seconded | Jim Shannon | 07/11/2012 |
664 | Diabetic Retinopathy | 31/10/2012 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 31/10/2012 |
654 | Food Labelling (No. 2) | 30/10/2012 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 30/10/2012 |
616 | Preventing Amputations As A Consequence Of Diabetes | 25/10/2012 | Signed | Adrian Sanders | 22/10/2012 |
625 | Congenital Heart Centre At Glenfield Hospital Leicester | 23/10/2012 | Seconded | Liz Kendall | 23/10/2012 |
621 | Diabetes Cases In Britain | 23/10/2012 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 23/10/2012 |
617 | Rio And Anton Ferdinand And Racism In Football | 22/10/2012 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 22/10/2012 |
602 | Racism In Football | 18/10/2012 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 18/10/2012 |
485 | Alcohol-Related Admissions To Accident And Emergency | 17/10/2012 | Seconded | Kelvin Hopkins | 06/09/2012 |
296 | Kesri Lehar Petition | 17/10/2012 | Signed | John McDonnell | 28/06/2012 |
585 | Shifting Perspectives Down's Syndrome Exhibition | 16/10/2012 | Signed | Hywel Francis | 16/10/2012 |
422 | Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme | 16/10/2012 | Signed | Hazel Blears | 17/07/2012 |
560 | Harlem D | 15/10/2012 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 15/10/2012 |
545 | New York City Large Soda Ban | 18/09/2012 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 18/09/2012 |
518 | Diabetes In Ethnic Minority Communities | 12/09/2012 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 12/09/2012 |
514 | Retirement Of Paul Mckeever | 12/09/2012 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 12/09/2012 |
490 | Mandatory Register Of Lobbyists | 10/09/2012 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 10/09/2012 |
483 | Friends Of Yemen | 06/09/2012 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 06/09/2012 |
314 | Murder Of Hilda Murrell | 03/09/2012 | Signed | Austin Mitchell | 03/07/2012 |
367 | Paediatric Congenital Cardiac Surgery Units | 17/07/2012 | Signed | Stuart Andrew | 10/07/2012 |
400 | Development Of Obesity Vaccination | 16/07/2012 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 16/07/2012 |
382 | Racism In The Big Brother House | 11/07/2012 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 11/07/2012 |
378 | House Of Commons Switchboard Staff | 11/07/2012 | Seconded | Kate Hoey | 11/07/2012 |
310 | Inverness Diabetes Centre | 03/07/2012 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 03/07/2012 |
297 | Immigration (Hc 194) | 03/07/2012 | Seconded | John McDonnell | 28/06/2012 |
283 | English Football Anthem | 03/07/2012 | Seconded | Greg Mulholland | 27/06/2012 |
221 | Greenwash Gold 2012 | 03/07/2012 | Signed | John McDonnell | 18/06/2012 |
174 | Air Passenger Duty | 03/07/2012 | Signed | Graham Stringer | 12/06/2012 |
243 | Obesity And The Quality And Outcomes Framework | 26/06/2012 | Signed | Kevin Barron | 20/06/2012 |
239 | Post-Marketing Drugs Studies Regulation | 20/06/2012 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 20/06/2012 |
212 | Portion Sizes Of Unhealthy Foods | 18/06/2012 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 18/06/2012 |
178 | NHS Maternity Services In England | 18/06/2012 | Signed | Mark Field | 12/06/2012 |
177 | Death Of Professor George Saitoti | 12/06/2012 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 12/06/2012 |
171 | Passbook Savings Accounts | 12/06/2012 | Seconded | Ian Paisley Jnr | 12/06/2012 |
153 | National Audit Office Diabetes Report | 11/06/2012 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 11/06/2012 |
152 | Yemen Food Crisis | 11/06/2012 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 11/06/2012 |
118 | Situation In Yemen | 22/05/2012 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 22/05/2012 |
70 | Stop And Search App | 17/05/2012 | Seconded | Barry Gardiner | 15/05/2012 |
54 | School Food Standards | 17/05/2012 | Signed | Zac Goldsmith | 14/05/2012 |
72 | Food Labelling | 16/05/2012 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 16/05/2012 |
30 | Police Federation March, 10 May 2012 | 10/05/2012 | Seconded | David Morris | 09/05/2012 |
22 | National Implementation Plan For Diabetes | 10/05/2012 | Signed | Adrian Sanders | 09/05/2012 |
19 | Type 1 Diabetes Research | 10/05/2012 | Signed | Adrian Sanders | 09/05/2012 |