Number | Title | Signature Date | Signature Type | Proposer | Proposal Date |
1647 | SPEAKER'S CHAPLAIN | 22/10/1998 | Signed | Andrew Rowe | 02/09/1998 |
1682 | MARTIN O'NEILL AND LEICESTER CITY FOOTBALL CLUB | 21/10/1998 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 21/10/1998 |
1681 | 20th Anniversary Of The Election Of Pope John Paul The Second | 21/10/1998 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 21/10/1998 |
1526 | Cyprus: Efforts To Secure Peace | 07/07/1998 | Signed | Joan Ryan | 07/07/1998 |
1340A1 | BIRMINGHAM'S HOSTING OF THE G8 SUMMIT;Amdt. line 7: | 19/05/1998 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 19/05/1998 |
1322A1 | Indian Nuclear Tests (No. 2);amdt. Line 1: | 19/05/1998 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 19/05/1998 |
1009 | National Theatre In Beijing | 31/03/1998 | Signed | Rudi Vis | 12/03/1998 |
1089 | FOREIGN SECRETARY'S VISIT TO MIDDLE EAST | 16/03/1998 | Signed | Ernie Ross | 16/03/1998 |
809 | Parliamentary Childcare Provision | 18/02/1998 | Signed | Caroline Flint | 18/02/1998 |
641 | Completion Of The Term Of The Indian High Commissioner | 13/01/1998 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 13/01/1998 |
631 | Completion Of The Term Of The Indian High Commissioner | 12/01/1998 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 12/01/1998 |
533 | 25th Anniversary Of The Arrival Of The Ugandan Asians | 01/12/1997 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 01/12/1997 |
508 | Prime Minister | 01/12/1997 | Signed | Peter Bottomley | 26/11/1997 |
506 | Housing For All | 26/11/1997 | Signed | Julia Drown | 26/11/1997 |
411 | Conduct Of The Honourable Member For Stratford-On-avon (No. 2) | 11/11/1997 | Signed | Peter Bradley | 06/11/1997 |
362 | Fair Trade Tea And Coffee In House Restaurants | 04/11/1997 | Signed | Nick Palmer | 28/10/1997 |
351 | National Memorial To Women Who Served In The British Armed Forces During World War Two | 03/11/1997 | Signed | Hugh Bayley | 27/10/1997 |
14 | Pen Needles On Prescription For Diabetics | 03/11/1997 | Signed | Adrian Sanders | 14/05/1997 |
346A1 | Abortion Law Reform;amdt. Line 1: | 30/10/1997 | Signed | Ann Winterton | 30/10/1997 |
344A2 | 30th Anniversary Of The 1967 Abortion Act;amdt. Line 1: | 30/10/1997 | Signed | Ann Winterton | 30/10/1997 |
331 | Deaths At Work | 30/07/1997 | Signed | Michael Clapham | 30/07/1997 |
327 | State Retirement Pensions To People Resident Abroad | 30/07/1997 | Signed | Michael Colvin | 30/07/1997 |
320 | Retirement Of Gina Cook | 29/07/1997 | Signed | Dennis Turner | 29/07/1997 |
319 | Pol Pot | 29/07/1997 | Signed | Ann Clwyd | 29/07/1997 |
286 | Intravenous Feeding In Leicester Royal Infirmary | 22/07/1997 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 22/07/1997 |
274 | Law Centres | 22/07/1997 | Signed | Martin Linton | 17/07/1997 |
253 | Detention Of Asylum Seekers | 22/07/1997 | Signed | Roseanna Cunningham | 15/07/1997 |
251A1 | Annual Report For Honourable Members;amdt. Line 6: | 16/07/1997 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 16/07/1997 |
261 | SERJEANT AT ARM'S STAFF | 16/07/1997 | Signed | Nicholas Brown | 16/07/1997 |
210A1 | Conduct Of Lord Simon And Sale Of Bp Shares;amdt. Line 1: | 09/07/1997 | Signed | Ivor Caplin | 08/07/1997 |
207 | Preservation Of British Piers | 09/07/1997 | Signed | Austin Mitchell | 07/07/1997 |
204 | ALZHEIMER'S AWARENESS WEEK | 09/07/1997 | Signed | Barry Jones | 04/07/1997 |
215 | Sixth Anniversary Of The Closure Of Bcci | 07/07/1997 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 07/07/1997 |
176 | Indonesia And Mukhtar Pakpahan | 30/06/1997 | Signed | Ian Gibson | 26/06/1997 |
162 | Private Rail Operators And The Network Card | 30/06/1997 | Signed | Andrew Mackinlay | 24/06/1997 |
139 | Aboriginal Children In Australia | 24/06/1997 | Signed | Fraser Kemp | 18/06/1997 |
144 | Facilities For Those Who Work In The House | 19/06/1997 | Signed | Fraser Kemp | 18/06/1997 |
138 | Co-Op Societies | 19/06/1997 | Signed | Angela E Smith | 18/06/1997 |
129 | National Radio Station For Children | 18/06/1997 | Signed | Jamie Cann | 17/06/1997 |
128 | Public Inquiry Into Westminster City Council | 17/06/1997 | Signed | Andrew Dismore | 17/06/1997 |
126 | Age Discrimination In Employment Advertising | 17/06/1997 | Signed | Linda Perham | 17/06/1997 |
2 | Pardon For Executed Soldiers | 17/06/1997 | Signed | Andrew Mackinlay | 14/05/1997 |
82 | Carers | 09/06/1997 | Signed | Malcolm Wicks | 06/06/1997 |
79 | Prescriptions For Cystic Fibrosis | 06/06/1997 | Signed | Andrew Stunell | 05/06/1997 |
68 | Iraq Executions | 06/06/1997 | Signed | Ann Clwyd | 04/06/1997 |
81 | The Home Secretary And The Abolition Of The Primary Purpose Rule | 05/06/1997 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 05/06/1997 |
48 | Administration Of The Electoral Process | 05/06/1997 | Signed | Colin Burgon | 22/05/1997 |
70 | PEOPLE'S LOTTERY | 04/06/1997 | Signed | Diana Organ | 04/06/1997 |
18 | National Targets For Road Traffic Reduction | 04/06/1997 | Signed | Joan Walley | 14/05/1997 |
60 | Fur Farming | 03/06/1997 | Signed | Gerry Steinberg | 02/06/1997 |
58 | Child Care In Parliament | 03/06/1997 | Signed | Harry Barnes | 02/06/1997 |
57 | Over-Medication Of The Elderly | 03/06/1997 | Signed | Paul Flynn | 02/06/1997 |
46 | Restoration Of Trade Union Rights At Gchq | 02/06/1997 | Signed | Tess Kingham | 22/05/1997 |
40 | Landmines | 22/05/1997 | Signed | Ann Clwyd | 21/05/1997 |
39 | Banking Supervision And The Collapse Of Bcci | 21/05/1997 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 21/05/1997 |
36 | Zaire | 21/05/1997 | Signed | Jeremy Corbyn | 20/05/1997 |
34 | Murder Of Stephen Lawrence | 21/05/1997 | Signed | Clive Efford | 20/05/1997 |
31 | Government Proposals For Controls On Alcopops | 21/05/1997 | Signed | Donald Anderson | 20/05/1997 |
25 | LEICESTER'S SPORTING ACHIEVEMENTS | 16/05/1997 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 16/05/1997 |
23 | Assistance For Those Wishing To Give Up Smoking | 16/05/1997 | Signed | John Austin | 15/05/1997 |
22 | Smoking In The Palace Of Westminster | 16/05/1997 | Signed | John Austin | 15/05/1997 |