Number | Title | Signature Date | Signature Type | Proposer | Proposal Date |
650 | Missile Defence | 09/05/2001 | Signed | Malcolm Savidge | 08/05/2001 |
641 | Recognition Of Medals For Suez Emergency 1951-54 | 08/05/2001 | Signed | Paul Burstow | 08/05/2001 |
354 | Practice Nurses | 08/05/2001 | Signed | Ivan Henderson | 14/02/2001 |
604 | Right Honourable Member For Yeovil | 01/05/2001 | Signed | Norman Baker | 25/04/2001 |
479 | Farming Practice And Food Policy | 01/05/2001 | Signed | Howard Stoate | 22/03/2001 |
351 | Infertility Treatment | 01/05/2001 | Signed | Paul Marsden | 14/02/2001 |
590 | Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week | 25/04/2001 | Signed | Paul Burstow | 23/04/2001 |
465 | Mercedes-Benz Dealers | 24/04/2001 | Signed | Lindsay Hoyle | 20/03/2001 |
595 | Tobin Tax | 23/04/2001 | Signed | Harry Barnes | 23/04/2001 |
510 | Nappy Provision | 23/04/2001 | Signed | Paul Burstow | 02/04/2001 |
509 | Broadcasting Of Parliament | 23/04/2001 | Signed | Roseanna Cunningham | 30/03/2001 |
566 | Protection Of Children On The Internet | 09/04/2001 | Signed | Paul Burstow | 09/04/2001 |
525 | Rate Relief For Small Businesses Affected By Foot And Mouth | 09/04/2001 | Signed | David Rendel | 03/04/2001 |
519 | Education (S.i., 2001, No. 1285) | 04/04/2001 | Signed | Charles Kennedy | 02/04/2001 |
502 | No. 30 Squadron Raf And The Battle Of Ceylon | 03/04/2001 | Signed | Julian Lewis | 28/03/2001 |
457 | Cash Retentions In The Construction Industry | 29/03/2001 | Signed | David Tredinnick | 16/03/2001 |
58 | Osteoporosis | 29/03/2001 | Signed | Howard Stoate | 07/12/2000 |
490 | Royal Commission On Animal Experiments | 27/03/2001 | Signed | Nigel Jones | 27/03/2001 |
32 | Petrol Pricing | 27/03/2001 | Signed | Jackie Ballard | 06/12/2000 |
403 | National Arts Day | 21/03/2001 | Signed | Austin Mitchell | 06/03/2001 |
408 | Eradication Of Food Poverty | 20/03/2001 | Signed | Alan Simpson | 07/03/2001 |
357 | Climate Change Act 2001 | 19/03/2001 | Signed | Don Foster | 15/02/2001 |
374 | Attack On Brian Cass, Managing Director Of Huntingdon Life Sciences | 15/03/2001 | Signed | Colin Pickthall | 27/02/2001 |
327 | Animal Rights Demonstrations | 15/03/2001 | Signed | Brian Iddon | 12/02/2001 |
319 | Gm Animal Feed | 15/03/2001 | Signed | Joan Ruddock | 09/02/2001 |
246 | Scientific Research Involving Animals | 15/03/2001 | Signed | Ian Gibson | 24/01/2001 |
414 | Comic Relief | 14/03/2001 | Signed | Jenny Tonge | 07/03/2001 |
393 | Referendum On Democracy In Bahrain | 14/03/2001 | Signed | Ashok Kumar | 05/03/2001 |
375 | Energy Efficiency | 14/03/2001 | Signed | Matthew Taylor | 27/02/2001 |
260 | The General Agreement On Trade In Services | 14/03/2001 | Signed | Phyllis Starkey | 29/01/2001 |
407 | Road Safety Week And Pledge To Drive Safely | 13/03/2001 | Signed | Bob Russell | 06/03/2001 |
247 | Pay In The Higher Education Sector | 06/03/2001 | Signed | Roger Berry | 24/01/2001 |
384 | One World Trust, 50th Anniversary | 05/03/2001 | Signed | Joan Walley | 28/02/2001 |
340 | Personal Care For The Elderly | 05/03/2001 | Signed | Paul Burstow | 13/02/2001 |
321 | Situation Of Trade Unions In Colombia | 28/02/2001 | Signed | Eddie McGrady | 09/02/2001 |
361 | CHILDREN'S COMMISSIONER | 27/02/2001 | Signed | Paul Burstow | 15/02/2001 |
343 | Have A Heart On Valentines Day Campaign | 27/02/2001 | Signed | Evan Harris | 13/02/2001 |
339 | National Institute For Clinical Excellence: Delay To Conclusion On Beta Interferon And Glatiramer Acetate | 26/02/2001 | Signed | Paul Burstow | 13/02/2001 |
333 | Energy Conservation Four Steps Campaign | 26/02/2001 | Signed | Clive Efford | 12/02/2001 |
122 | Tuition Fees | 26/02/2001 | Signed | Jenny Tonge | 19/12/2000 |
254 | Merchant Navy Officers With Offshore Contracts | 12/02/2001 | Signed | Julie Morgan | 25/01/2001 |
257 | Posthumous Medals For Supreme Sacrifice | 26/01/2001 | Signed | Harry Barnes | 26/01/2001 |
165 | Ethnic Minorities And Political Parties | 26/01/2001 | Signed | Ieuan Wyn Jones | 09/01/2001 |
219 | Nats Not For Profit Provider | 25/01/2001 | Signed | Alan Keen | 17/01/2001 |
101 | Payment Of Fees By Volunteers To The Criminal Records Bureau | 25/01/2001 | Signed | Bob Russell | 13/12/2000 |
44 | Combating Fraudulent Charity Collections | 23/01/2001 | Signed | Adrian Sanders | 06/12/2000 |
226 | Gulf Veterans | 18/01/2001 | Signed | Michael Mates | 18/01/2001 |
189 | Provision Of Treatment For Ex-Service Personnel Suffering From Psychological Injury | 17/01/2001 | Signed | Ruth Kelly | 11/01/2001 |
73 | House Of Commons Library | 17/01/2001 | Signed | Norman Baker | 11/12/2000 |
182 | Naval War Graves | 16/01/2001 | Signed | Brian Cotter | 10/01/2001 |
181 | Price Of Industrial Gas | 16/01/2001 | Signed | John Grogan | 10/01/2001 |
108 | Imprisoned Mps In Burma | 15/01/2001 | Signed | Ann Clwyd | 13/12/2000 |
93 | Participation In Local Government | 10/01/2001 | Signed | Andrew Mackinlay | 13/12/2000 |
79 | 50th Anniversary Of Unhcr | 10/01/2001 | Signed | Mike Gapes | 12/12/2000 |
75 | Older People And The Nhs Complaints System | 10/01/2001 | Signed | John Austin | 11/12/2000 |
118 | Testing New-Born Babies For Deafness | 20/12/2000 | Signed | Claire Curtis-Thomas | 18/12/2000 |
123 | Lay Magistracy | 19/12/2000 | Signed | David Taylor | 19/12/2000 |
116 | Family Visitor Appeals | 19/12/2000 | Signed | Robert Marshall-Andrews | 14/12/2000 |
65 | Radiotherapy Injury After Breast Cancer | 19/12/2000 | Signed | Edward Davey | 08/12/2000 |
14 | Race Relations (Amendment) Bill | 19/12/2000 | Signed | Oona King | 06/12/2000 |
78 | Situation In The Moluccas | 18/12/2000 | Signed | Andrew Rowe | 12/12/2000 |
8 | Young European Movement | 18/12/2000 | Signed | Paul Flynn | 06/12/2000 |
48 | Human Rights Defenders In Columbia | 18/12/2000 | Signed | Simon Thomas | 06/12/2000 |
49 | Human Cloning | 12/12/2000 | Signed | David Atkinson | 06/12/2000 |
43 | Organic Food And Farming Targets | 06/12/2000 | Signed | Joan Ruddock | 06/12/2000 |