Number | Title | Signature Date | Signature Type | Proposer | Proposal Date |
1256 | CHILDREN'S FOOD BILL | 15/11/2004 | Signed | Debra Shipley | 24/05/2004 |
168 | Chronic Pain | 15/11/2004 | Signed | Patrick Hall | 01/12/2003 |
1090 | Equitable Life (No.2) | 10/11/2004 | Signed | Ian Gibson | 29/04/2004 |
1608 | Civil Partnership Bill(2) | 12/10/2004 | Signed | Desmond Turner | 07/09/2004 |
1666 | Support For Public Service | 11/10/2004 | Signed | Clive Betts | 15/09/2004 |
171 | Protecting The Marine Environment | 11/10/2004 | Signed | John Randall | 01/12/2003 |
1094A1 | Budget For Peace Building;amdt. Line 11: | 07/09/2004 | Proposed | Hugh Bayley | 07/09/2004 |
1404 | Cash Withdrawals At Automatic Teller Machines | 07/09/2004 | Signed | Gregory Campbell | 24/06/2004 |
1337 | Odpm Select Committee Report On The Decent Homes Target | 07/09/2004 | Signed | Harry Cohen | 09/06/2004 |
164 | Tenzin Deleg Rinpoche | 07/09/2004 | Signed | Annabelle Ewing | 01/12/2003 |
1574 | Danube Delta | 22/07/2004 | Signed | Mark Hendrick | 22/07/2004 |
1477 | Marie Curie Cancer Care Campaign: Supporting The Choice To Die At Home | 22/07/2004 | Signed | Tony Wright | 08/07/2004 |
1363 | Trophy Hunting | 15/07/2004 | Signed | Lindsay Hoyle | 16/06/2004 |
1238 | Inter-Parliamentary Union Delegation From Palestine | 12/07/2004 | Signed | John Austin | 19/05/2004 |
1344 | THIRD NATIONAL MEN'S HEALTH WEEK | 29/06/2004 | Signed | Howard Stoate | 14/06/2004 |
160 | Planning Policy Guidance 7 | 28/06/2004 | Signed | Alan Howarth | 27/11/2003 |
1239 | Israeli Destruction Of Palestinian Homes In Gaza | 23/06/2004 | Signed | John Austin | 19/05/2004 |
817 | Supermarket Code Of Practice | 23/06/2004 | Signed | Andrew George | 11/03/2004 |
1274 | Ofcom And Electronic Programme Guides | 08/06/2004 | Signed | John Grogan | 25/05/2004 |
1069 | World Lupus Day | 27/05/2004 | Signed | Janet Dean | 28/04/2004 |
1138 | Co-Operatives And International Development | 17/05/2004 | Signed | Andy Reed | 06/05/2004 |
611 | Canadian Seal Cull | 12/05/2004 | Signed | David Lepper | 11/02/2004 |
1144 | Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Day 21st May 2004 | 06/05/2004 | Signed | Anne Begg | 06/05/2004 |
1057 | The Yorkshire Post And The National Autistic Society | 05/05/2004 | Signed | Jeff Ennis | 27/04/2004 |
1100 | 10th Anniversary Of The First Free Elections In South Africa | 04/05/2004 | Signed | Valerie Davey | 29/04/2004 |
1083 | Public Inquiry Into Potters Bar Rail Crash | 04/05/2004 | Signed | James Clappison | 29/04/2004 |
955 | Carers Week | 04/05/2004 | Signed | Clare Short | 31/03/2004 |
1089 | Workers Memorial Day, 28th April 2004 | 29/04/2004 | Signed | Jim Sheridan | 29/04/2004 |
770 | Disabled Facilities Grant | 29/04/2004 | Signed | Roger Berry | 04/03/2004 |
1077 | National Heritage Memorial Fund Support For The National Memorial To The Women Of World War Two | 28/04/2004 | Proposed | Hugh Bayley | 28/04/2004 |
1061 | GNER'S 8TH ANNIVERSARY | 27/04/2004 | Proposed | Hugh Bayley | 27/04/2004 |
1055 | Crossroads - Caring For Carers | 27/04/2004 | Signed | Andy King | 27/04/2004 |
1054 | Richard Desmond | 27/04/2004 | Signed | Quentin Davies | 27/04/2004 |
1046 | Global Campaign For Education | 26/04/2004 | Signed | Helen Jackson | 26/04/2004 |
983 | National Memorial To The Women Of World War Two | 19/04/2004 | Proposed | Hugh Bayley | 19/04/2004 |
978 | Re-Introduction Of The Hunting Bill | 19/04/2004 | Signed | Gerald Kaufman | 19/04/2004 |
876 | Access To Trains | 19/04/2004 | Signed | Mark Lazarowicz | 22/03/2004 |
650 | Threat To East Midlands Tv News | 19/04/2004 | Signed | Alan Meale | 23/02/2004 |
889 | Brighton And Hove Albion | 01/04/2004 | Signed | Peter L Pike | 23/03/2004 |
623 | Racial Abuse In The Nhs Mental Health Services | 01/04/2004 | Signed | Keith Vaz | 11/02/2004 |
703 | Football Supporters | 30/03/2004 | Signed | Alan Keen | 26/02/2004 |
836 | Us Policy On Debt Relief For Niger And Ethiopia | 23/03/2004 | Signed | Derek Wyatt | 16/03/2004 |
830 | Future Of Regional Independent Television | 22/03/2004 | Signed | Frank Doran | 15/03/2004 |
774 | Active Travel Action Plan | 22/03/2004 | Signed | Howard Stoate | 04/03/2004 |
761 | WANDSWORTH COUNCIL'S COUNCIL TAX | 15/03/2004 | Signed | Tom Cox | 03/03/2004 |
380 | Use Of Unsurfaced Byways Open To All Traffic By Mechanically Propelled Vehicles | 10/03/2004 | Signed | John Mann | 08/01/2004 |
652 | PRIVATE MEMBERS' BILLS | 09/03/2004 | Signed | Peter L Pike | 23/02/2004 |
759 | First Labour Government | 08/03/2004 | Signed | Peter Kilfoyle | 03/03/2004 |
754 | UK Railway Heritage And The Flying Scotsman | 08/03/2004 | Signed | Greg Knight | 02/03/2004 |
205 | Kenny Richey | 08/03/2004 | Signed | Alistair Carmichael | 03/12/2003 |
757 | Royal Horticultural Society Bicentenary Celebrations | 03/03/2004 | Signed | Brian H Donohoe | 03/03/2004 |
700 | Deregulation Of The Taxi Service | 03/03/2004 | Signed | Lindsay Hoyle | 26/02/2004 |
576 | Corporate Responsibility | 03/03/2004 | Signed | Andy King | 05/02/2004 |
602 | Equal Opportunities For Carers | 25/02/2004 | Signed | Hywel Francis | 10/02/2004 |
432 | Conflict In Northern Uganda | 24/02/2004 | Signed | Valerie Davey | 15/01/2004 |
423 | Gangmasters | 24/02/2004 | Signed | Jim Sheridan | 14/01/2004 |
200 | Occupational Pensions | 24/02/2004 | Signed | Kevin Brennan | 03/12/2003 |
144 | Welfare Of Greyhounds | 24/02/2004 | Signed | Alan Meale | 26/11/2003 |
593 | The Odeon, Blossom Street, York | 10/02/2004 | Proposed | Hugh Bayley | 10/02/2004 |
574 | Reform Of The Common Agricultural Policy(2) | 05/02/2004 | Signed | Malcolm Bruce | 05/02/2004 |
421 | Reaching The Millennium Development Goals | 04/02/2004 | Signed | John Battle | 14/01/2004 |
333 | Military Assistance To Colombia And Human Rights Abuses | 03/02/2004 | Signed | Tony Lloyd | 18/12/2003 |
299 | Parenting Time Presumption | 03/02/2004 | Signed | Dominic Grieve | 16/12/2003 |
96 | Residential Energy Efficiency Aim Pursuant To The Sustainable Energy Act | 03/02/2004 | Signed | Brian White | 26/11/2003 |
407 | ISRAEL'S SEPARATION WALL | 13/01/2004 | Signed | Richard Burden | 13/01/2004 |
350 | India-Pakistan Relations | 06/01/2004 | Signed | Piara S Khabra | 06/01/2004 |
237 | BBC World Service Hiv/aids Programming | 09/12/2003 | Signed | Tony Baldry | 09/12/2003 |
101 | European Union Constitution Energy Chapter | 26/11/2003 | Signed | Bob Blizzard | 26/11/2003 |