Number | Title | Signature Date | Signature Type | Proposer | Proposal Date |
1027 | Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference And Mayors For Peace | 06/04/2005 | Signed | Malcolm Savidge | 05/04/2005 |
825 | Jamie Mason, Aged 12 | 06/04/2005 | Signed | Ken Purchase | 02/03/2005 |
1013 | Pope John Paul Ii | 04/04/2005 | Signed | Kevin McNamara | 04/04/2005 |
923 | Developments In Russia | 22/03/2005 | Signed | Quentin Davies | 14/03/2005 |
719 | Manchester United | 22/03/2005 | Signed | Tony Lloyd | 09/02/2005 |
953 | Unsightly Vehicles And Threats Of Defamation | 21/03/2005 | Signed | Gordon Prentice | 17/03/2005 |
528 | Pension Rights For "post-Retirement" Widows | 17/03/2005 | Signed | Nick Harvey | 17/01/2005 |
938 | Parking Charges At The University Hospitals Of Leicester Nhs Trust | 16/03/2005 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 16/03/2005 |
917 | Nottingham East Midlands Airport | 16/03/2005 | Signed | Edward Garnier | 14/03/2005 |
809 | JAMIE'S SCHOOL DINNERS | 16/03/2005 | Signed | Roy Beggs | 01/03/2005 |
849 | Withdrawal Of Funding For The Woodcraft Folk | 14/03/2005 | Signed | Jeremy Corbyn | 08/03/2005 |
859 | London Meeting To Support The Palestinian Authority | 10/03/2005 | Signed | Richard Burden | 08/03/2005 |
820 | Racist Abuse At Oakington Detention Centre | 09/03/2005 | Signed | Diane Abbott | 02/03/2005 |
578 | Madeleine Carroll | 09/03/2005 | Signed | Adrian Bailey | 24/01/2005 |
598 | Animal Insulin | 03/03/2005 | Signed | Edward Davey | 26/01/2005 |
749 | EUROPEAN UNION FOREIGN MINISTERS' MEETING AT NEWPORT | 01/03/2005 | Signed | Paul Flynn | 22/02/2005 |
733 | Sentencing Of Chantal Mccorkle | 01/03/2005 | Signed | Tom Clarke | 21/02/2005 |
515 | Local Services And Facilities | 01/03/2005 | Signed | Roger Williams | 17/01/2005 |
692A1 | Law Centre Network;amdt. Line 8: | 24/02/2005 | Signed | Kevin McNamara | 09/02/2005 |
579 | Pensions (S.i., 2004, No. 3372) | 24/02/2005 | Signed | Paddy Tipping | 24/01/2005 |
406 | Genetically-Modified Organisms | 24/02/2005 | Signed | Andrew George | 15/12/2004 |
757 | Spanish Referendum On The Eu Constitution | 22/02/2005 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 22/02/2005 |
599 | Closure Of Ellington Colliery, Northumberland | 10/02/2005 | Signed | Alan Beith | 26/01/2005 |
711 | Implementation Of High Hedges Legislation | 09/02/2005 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 09/02/2005 |
700 | Implementation Of High Hedges Legislation | 08/02/2005 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 08/02/2005 |
699 | LEICESTER MERCURY'S FIGHT THE FAT CHALLENGE | 08/02/2005 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 08/02/2005 |
660 | Chinese New Year: Year Of The Rooster | 04/02/2005 | Signed | Andrew Dismore | 04/02/2005 |
646 | Waterloo Cup 2005 | 04/02/2005 | Signed | Colin Pickthall | 02/02/2005 |
331 | Measures Of Pints Of Beer | 03/02/2005 | Signed | Dennis Turner | 07/12/2004 |
9 | Make Poverty History In 2005 Campaign | 03/02/2005 | Signed | Julia Drown | 23/11/2004 |
636 | UK Citizenship For All Gurkhas | 02/02/2005 | Signed | Roger Williams | 01/02/2005 |
631 | The Death Of Ivan Noble | 02/02/2005 | Signed | Don Foster | 01/02/2005 |
552 | Pensions For Civil Service Widows And Widowers | 02/02/2005 | Signed | Clive Betts | 19/01/2005 |
537 | Foreign And Commonwealth Office Diplomatic Bag Service | 27/01/2005 | Signed | John McDonnell | 18/01/2005 |
593 | MARTIN JOHNSON'S RETIREMENT | 26/01/2005 | Seconded | Andy Reed | 26/01/2005 |
580 | Deaths Of Children In Prison | 26/01/2005 | Signed | Hilton Dawson | 24/01/2005 |
426 | Belmarsh Judgement | 26/01/2005 | Signed | Kevin McNamara | 20/12/2004 |
176 | Renewable Heat Obligation | 24/01/2005 | Signed | Norman Baker | 24/11/2004 |
492 | Lower Rate Of Stamp Duty For Energy Efficiency Measures | 20/01/2005 | Signed | Kevin Barron | 12/01/2005 |
547 | Appointment Of Sir Mark Potter As President Of The Family Division | 19/01/2005 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 19/01/2005 |
540 | Enlargement Of The Eu And Treatment Of Migrant Workers | 18/01/2005 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 18/01/2005 |
534 | Causing Death By Careless Driving | 18/01/2005 | Signed | Paul Stinchcombe | 18/01/2005 |
473 | Ponthir Vc Primary School | 17/01/2005 | Signed | Huw Edwards | 11/01/2005 |
464 | English Language Proficiency Visa Rules For Sikh Priests | 13/01/2005 | Signed | Rob Marris | 11/01/2005 |
468 | Establishment Of A Fair Employment Commission | 11/01/2005 | Signed | Lynne Jones | 11/01/2005 |
281 | International Student Visa Charges | 11/01/2005 | Signed | Anne Campbell | 02/12/2004 |
458 | Immigration Rules And English Language Fluency For Ministers Of Religion | 10/01/2005 | Signed | Sarah Teather | 10/01/2005 |
40 | Financial Assistance Scheme | 10/01/2005 | Signed | Sandra Osborne | 23/11/2004 |
214 | London 2012 Olympic And Paralympic Games | 13/12/2004 | Signed | Derek Wyatt | 29/11/2004 |
359 | Pension Assistance Fund | 09/12/2004 | Signed | Dave Watts | 09/12/2004 |
355 | Hampstead Heath Bathing Ponds | 09/12/2004 | Signed | Glenda Jackson | 08/12/2004 |
353 | Foreign And Commonwealth Soldiers Contribution In The British Army | 09/12/2004 | Signed | Lorna Fitzsimons | 08/12/2004 |
352 | Transfer Of BBC Production To Manchester | 09/12/2004 | Signed | Tony Lloyd | 08/12/2004 |
349 | BODDINGTON'S BREWERY | 09/12/2004 | Signed | Graham Stringer | 08/12/2004 |
332 | Newspaper And Magazine Supply Chain | 09/12/2004 | Signed | Jim Dowd | 07/12/2004 |
323 | Tenth Anniversary Of The Organ Donor Register | 09/12/2004 | Signed | Marion Roe | 07/12/2004 |
319 | Osteoporosis Services | 09/12/2004 | Signed | John Austin | 07/12/2004 |
316 | The National Anthem And BBC 1 | 09/12/2004 | Signed | Andrew Rosindell | 06/12/2004 |
212A1 | Terrorism And Community Relations;amdt. Line 11: | 08/12/2004 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 08/12/2004 |
336 | Mental Capacity Bill | 07/12/2004 | Signed | Iain Duncan Smith | 07/12/2004 |
329 | Control Of Violent Video Games Classification System | 07/12/2004 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 07/12/2004 |
328 | Regulation Of Fireworks | 07/12/2004 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 07/12/2004 |
290 | PAPER RECYCLING IN MEMBERS' OFFICES | 07/12/2004 | Signed | Lynne Jones | 02/12/2004 |
74 | PENSIONERS' MANIFESTO | 06/12/2004 | Signed | Kate Hoey | 23/11/2004 |
8 | Re-Instatement Of The 3rd Battalion Of The Royal Anglian Regiment | 06/12/2004 | Signed | Bob Russell | 23/11/2004 |
236 | Norway And Eu Membership | 01/12/2004 | Signed | Chris Bryant | 30/11/2004 |
219 | Return Of A Labour Administration For The City Of Leicester | 29/11/2004 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 29/11/2004 |
211 | Fall In The Number Of Samaritans | 29/11/2004 | Proposed | Keith Vaz | 29/11/2004 |
57 | Racism In Football | 29/11/2004 | Signed | Hugh Robertson | 23/11/2004 |
177 | Racism In Football (No. 2) | 25/11/2004 | Signed | Don Foster | 24/11/2004 |
76 | Band Aid 20 | 23/11/2004 | Signed | Anne Moffat | 23/11/2004 |