Number | Title | Signature Date | Signature Type | Proposer | Proposal Date |
1338 | Abortion Pill Ru486 | 16/10/1990 | Signed | Elizabeth Peacock | 24/07/1990 |
1370 | French Farmers' Action Against British Meat Exports | 06/09/1990 | Signed | David Tredinnick | 06/09/1990 |
1320 | Parliament And The European Community | 20/07/1990 | Signed | John Biffen | 20/07/1990 |
1287 | Rule Of National Law | 17/07/1990 | Proposed | William Cash | 17/07/1990 |
1281 | Sexual Offences Bill and Procedure for Private Members' Bills | 17/07/1990 | Signed | Kate Hoey | 16/07/1990 |
1159 | Missing Children | 10/07/1990 | Signed | John Reid | 21/06/1990 |
932 | Phase Out Of Methyl Chloroform | 04/07/1990 | Signed | Peter L Pike | 01/05/1990 |
1136 | Religious Education In Maintained Schools | 03/07/1990 | Signed | Michael Alison | 19/06/1990 |
1210 | Leader Of The Opposition And Avoidance Of Debate | 28/06/1990 | Signed | Richard Alexander | 28/06/1990 |
1187 | Complementary Medicines And Therapies | 27/06/1990 | Proposed | William Cash | 27/06/1990 |
1182 | Harm To Dolphins And Ban On Large Scale Drift Nets | 27/06/1990 | Signed | David Shaw | 26/06/1990 |
1177 | Speech Of The Chancellor Of The Exchequer | 25/06/1990 | Proposed | William Cash | 25/06/1990 |
939 | Self-Determination In Cyprus | 12/06/1990 | Signed | Keith Speed | 02/05/1990 |
1079 | Threat To The British Sausage By European Regulation | 07/06/1990 | Proposed | William Cash | 07/06/1990 |
1070 | Corporal Punishment In Schools | 06/06/1990 | Signed | James Pawsey | 06/06/1990 |
1063A1 | Withdrawal Of Emergency Care From Sheppey General Hospital;amdt. Line 1: | 06/06/1990 | Signed | Jacques Arnold | 06/06/1990 |
745 | Human Rights In Iraq | 05/06/1990 | Signed | Dawn Primarolo | 15/03/1990 |
956 | Lithuania | 08/05/1990 | Signed | James Pawsey | 08/05/1990 |
937 | New Treasury Memorandum On Economic And Monetary Union | 02/05/1990 | Proposed | William Cash | 02/05/1990 |
926 | Dublin Summit | 30/04/1990 | Proposed | William Cash | 30/04/1990 |
646 | Tees And Clyde Ports | 02/03/1990 | Signed | David Porter | 02/03/1990 |
563 | Transferable Tax Allowances | 02/03/1990 | Signed | David Evennett | 16/02/1990 |
615 | Religious Conscience And The National Curriculum | 28/02/1990 | Signed | David Alton | 26/02/1990 |
616 | The Hon Member For Leicester East & Ira Bombing, Leicester | 27/02/1990 | Signed | David Tredinnick | 27/02/1990 |
562 | Food Irradiation and the Women's Institute and Consumers' Association Lobby | 22/02/1990 | Signed | Richard Body | 16/02/1990 |
588A2 | South African Sanctions;amdt. Line 2: | 21/02/1990 | Signed | Trevor Skeet | 21/02/1990 |
454 | Ruling On Abortion | 14/02/1990 | Signed | Ann Widdecombe | 06/02/1990 |
345 | Concern Over Media Freedom In Romania | 30/01/1990 | Signed | James Molyneaux | 19/01/1990 |
109 | Tobacco Taxation And Inflation | 22/01/1990 | Signed | Jack Aspinwall | 29/11/1989 |
309 | Derbyshire County Council And Mr Reg Race | 16/01/1990 | Signed | Edwina Currie | 16/01/1990 |
175 | Japanese Slaughter Of Minke Whales | 16/01/1990 | Signed | Tony Banks | 08/12/1989 |
172A4 | Prevention Of Severe Handicap;amdt. Line 1: | 12/01/1990 | Signed | Martin Smyth | 20/12/1989 |
218 | Abolishing Unitary Taxation | 08/01/1990 | Signed | Michael Grylls | 15/12/1989 |
27 | Pornography | 12/12/1989 | Signed | Michael Alison | 21/11/1989 |
179 | Television Recruitment Advertising | 11/12/1989 | Signed | James Pawsey | 11/12/1989 |
2A5 | Treatment Of Widows Of Servicemen;amdt. Line 1: | 06/12/1989 | Signed | Ian Taylor | 06/12/1989 |
58A1 | Woman Of The Eighties Award To The Prime Minister;amdt. Line 1: | 05/12/1989 | Signed | Steve Norris | 29/11/1989 |
78 | Hartlepool Labour Party Nomination | 27/11/1989 | Signed | James Pawsey | 27/11/1989 |
2 | Treatment Of Widows Of Servicemen | Unknown | Withdrawn | John McWilliam | 21/11/1989 |