Number | Title | Signature Date | Signature Type | Proposer | Proposal Date |
1027 | Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference And Mayors For Peace | 06/04/2005 | Signed | Malcolm Savidge | 05/04/2005 |
980 | Yorkshire And Humber Bus Pass | 24/03/2005 | Signed | John Grogan | 22/03/2005 |
936 | Tuberculosis And HIV In Africa | 24/03/2005 | Signed | John Barrett | 16/03/2005 |
934 | TREATMENT FOR ALZHEIMER'S | 24/03/2005 | Signed | John Mann | 15/03/2005 |
740 | One Hundred Years Of Rotary | 24/03/2005 | Signed | Tony Colman | 22/02/2005 |
719 | Manchester United | 24/03/2005 | Signed | Tony Lloyd | 09/02/2005 |
779 | Smoking In Public Places (No. 2) | 23/02/2005 | Signed | Julie Morgan | 23/02/2005 |
675 | GIRLS' EDUCATION IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES | 08/02/2005 | Signed | Helen Jackson | 08/02/2005 |
663 | NELSON MANDELA'S APPEAL TO G7 | 07/02/2005 | Signed | Parmjit Singh Gill | 04/02/2005 |
620A1 | BRITISH LUNG FOUNDATION'S 20TH ANNIVERSARY;Amdt. line 4: | 07/02/2005 | Signed | Paul Tyler | 03/02/2005 |
651 | Fee-Charging Atms In Post Offices | 07/02/2005 | Signed | John Robertson | 03/02/2005 |
649 | Smoking In The House Of Commons | 07/02/2005 | Signed | Andrew Dismore | 03/02/2005 |
624 | Complementary Medicine And The National Health Service | 07/02/2005 | Signed | Gregory Campbell | 01/02/2005 |
605 | Financial Support For Older Students | 07/02/2005 | Signed | Gordon Marsden | 27/01/2005 |
604 | Attacks On Trade Unionists In Iraq | 07/02/2005 | Signed | Harry Barnes | 27/01/2005 |
601 | Mobile Phone Theft | 07/02/2005 | Signed | Kevan Jones | 26/01/2005 |
599 | Closure Of Ellington Colliery, Northumberland | 07/02/2005 | Signed | Alan Beith | 26/01/2005 |
595 | Licence Fee Structure For Sport And Voluntary Groups | 07/02/2005 | Signed | Derek Wyatt | 26/01/2005 |
515 | Local Services And Facilities | 26/01/2005 | Signed | Roger Williams | 17/01/2005 |
176 | Renewable Heat Obligation | 26/01/2005 | Signed | Norman Baker | 24/11/2004 |
492 | Lower Rate Of Stamp Duty For Energy Efficiency Measures | 12/01/2005 | Proposed | Kevin Barron | 12/01/2005 |
410 | COAL MINE SURFACE WORKERS' CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE SCHEME | 16/12/2004 | Signed | Michael Clapham | 16/12/2004 |
357 | Social Responsibility And The Drinks Industry | 09/12/2004 | Signed | Janet Dean | 09/12/2004 |
219 | Return Of A Labour Administration For The City Of Leicester | 29/11/2004 | Signed | Keith Vaz | 29/11/2004 |
9 | Make Poverty History In 2005 Campaign | 23/11/2004 | Signed | Julia Drown | 23/11/2004 |