activity during 2017-19
EDMs Signed: 8Signature Breakdown:
- Proposed: 1
- Seconded: 3
- Signed: 4
Number | Title | Signature Date | Signature Type | Proposer | Proposal Date |
1131 | West Midlands Police Funding | 29/03/2018 | Signed | Jack Dromey | 27/03/2018 |
785 | Death Of Cyrille Regis | 15/01/2018 | Seconded | Tom Watson | 15/01/2018 |
675 | Coventry City Of Culture 2021 | 12/12/2017 | Seconded | Jim Cunningham | 12/12/2017 |
490 | Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month 2017 | 01/11/2017 | Seconded | Nicholas Dakin | 01/11/2017 |
315 | Coventry's 2021 City Of Culture Bid | 13/09/2017 | Proposed | Colleen Fletcher | 13/09/2017 |
63 | Women Against State Pension Inequality | 03/07/2017 | Signed | Grahame Morris | 27/06/2017 |
100 | Childhood Tooth Decay | 29/06/2017 | Signed | Steve McCabe | 29/06/2017 |
15 | Pregnancy Discrimination And Employment Tribunal Time Limit | 28/06/2017 | Signed | Caroline Lucas | 21/06/2017 |

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