Number | Title | Signature Date | Signature Type | Proposer | Proposal Date |
1064 | Dwp Estates Office Closures | 30/03/2017 | Signed | Chris Stephens | 14/03/2017 |
977 | Capita's Management Of The National Dental Performers' List | 27/03/2017 | Signed | Steve McCabe | 23/02/2017 |
897 | Nursing Pay | 20/03/2017 | Signed | Margaret Ritchie | 30/01/2017 |
1000 | Cineworld Cinemas And The Living Wage | 06/03/2017 | Signed | Helen Hayes | 01/03/2017 |
985 | Social Security | 06/03/2017 | Signed | Timothy Farron | 27/02/2017 |
1008 | Be Phone Smart Campaign | 01/03/2017 | Seconded | Greg Knight | 01/03/2017 |
915 | Nuclear Workers' Pensions | 21/02/2017 | Signed | Albert Owen | 02/02/2017 |
642 | Parliamentary Scrutiny Of Trade Deals | 09/01/2017 | Signed | Patrick Grady | 02/11/2016 |
11 | Legal Recognition For People Who Do Not Associate With A Particular Gender | 09/01/2017 | Signed | Norman Lamb | 18/05/2016 |
775 | Children's Funeral Costs | 13/12/2016 | Signed | Carolyn Harris | 07/12/2016 |
671 | Mineworkers Pension Scheme | 25/11/2016 | Signed | Alan Meale | 14/11/2016 |
692 | Carbon Monoxide Alarm Standards | 21/11/2016 | Signed | Jim Fitzpatrick | 17/11/2016 |
689 | Sale Of Public Assets | 21/11/2016 | Signed | Caroline Lucas | 16/11/2016 |
662 | World Number One Men's Singles Tennis Player Andy Murray | 21/11/2016 | Signed | Steven Paterson | 08/11/2016 |
619 | Civil Partnerships And Heterosexual Couples | 08/11/2016 | Signed | Alistair Carmichael | 28/10/2016 |
586 | Public Service Pensions | 08/11/2016 | Signed | Jeremy Corbyn | 24/10/2016 |
637 | Adoption Support Fund | 03/11/2016 | Signed | David Lammy | 02/11/2016 |
629 | Bill Of Rights For Persons With Mental Illness | 03/11/2016 | Signed | Norman Lamb | 01/11/2016 |
626 | Children's Social Care | 03/11/2016 | Signed | David Lammy | 31/10/2016 |
624 | Global Biodiversity | 03/11/2016 | Signed | Caroline Spelman | 31/10/2016 |
616 | Smoking In Prisons | 03/11/2016 | Signed | Liz Saville Roberts | 26/10/2016 |
612 | Stand Up To Cancer 2016 | 03/11/2016 | Signed | Albert Owen | 26/10/2016 |
608 | Jimmy Perry And Dad's Army | 03/11/2016 | Signed | Jim Shannon | 26/10/2016 |
602 | Independent Living For People With Disabilities | 03/11/2016 | Signed | Norman Lamb | 26/10/2016 |
597 | Funding For Mental Health | 03/11/2016 | Signed | Luciana Berger | 25/10/2016 |
505 | Mental Health First Aid | 13/10/2016 | Signed | Norman Lamb | 10/10/2016 |
448 | Death Of Political Prisoners In Iran In 1988 | 11/10/2016 | Signed | David Amess | 13/09/2016 |
278 | Office Of Electoral Integrity | 14/07/2016 | Signed | Norman Lamb | 04/07/2016 |
91 | Regulatory Levels And Access To Advice | 14/07/2016 | Signed | Alan Meale | 25/05/2016 |
294 | Student Nurses' Bursaries | 13/07/2016 | Signed | Alan Meale | 06/07/2016 |
64 | Organised Dog Fighting | 13/07/2016 | Signed | Kelvin Hopkins | 23/05/2016 |
259 | Status Of British Citizens Resident In The EU And EU Citizens Resident In The UK | 06/07/2016 | Signed | Tom Brake | 29/06/2016 |
61 | Fixed-Odds Betting Terminals | 06/07/2016 | Signed | Carolyn Harris | 23/05/2016 |
98 | Industrial Action At Pennine Foods, Sheffield | 26/05/2016 | Seconded | Gill Furniss | 25/05/2016 |
93 | Future Of Coal And Carbon Capture | 26/05/2016 | Seconded | Ronnie Campbell | 25/05/2016 |
54 | Children's Hospice Week 23 To 29 May 2016 | 25/05/2016 | Signed | Mark Tami | 23/05/2016 |
36 | Muirfield Golf Club Decision To Exclude Women Members | 24/05/2016 | Signed | George Kerevan | 19/05/2016 |