Carolyn Harris
Total EDMs Signed: 57Signature Breakdown:
Proposed: 5
Seconded: 10
Signed: 42
Has represented Swansea East as a Labour MP since 2015.
Recent Activity
- 04/06/2018 Signed EDM 1325 Celebrating The 150th Anniversary Of The TUC
- 08/05/2018 Signed EDM 1237 Cardiff City Football Club Promotion
- 06/03/2018 Signed EDM 1024 Remembrance Sunday: Time Off For Retail Staff On 100th Anniversary Of The End Of Ww1
- 18/10/2017 Seconded EDM 425 Swansea's City Of Culture 2021 Bid
- 11/10/2017 Seconded EDM 384 Usdaw Freedom From Fear Campaign
- 09/10/2017 Seconded EDM 334 Queen's Dragoon Guards And Las Vegas Shooting
- 04/07/2017 Signed EDM 1 Operational Service Medal For Operation Shader
- 22/02/2017 Signed EDM 915 Nuclear Workers' Pensions
- 30/01/2017 Signed EDM 890 Visit To Parliament By President Trump
- 12/01/2017 Signed EDM 851 Education (S.I., 2016, No. 1205)

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