Immigration Policy
EDM number 503 in 2016-17, proposed by Deidre Brock on 10/10/2016.
Categorised under the topics of Employment and Immigration.
That this House expresses serious concern over the future direction of immigration policy in the UK following proposals announced by senior Government Ministers speaking at the Conservative party conference, including plans for private companies to record the number of foreign workers in their employ; believes that a person's suitability for employment should not be judged on their nationality but instead on their skills and potential; further believes that such a move would discourage international talent from staying and contributing to the UK while encouraging a deeply divided and xenophobic society; strongly implores the Government to change its approach and reassure all citizens living in the UK, regardless of where they were born, that their contributions are valued and this remains their home.
This motion has been signed by a total of 46 MPs.
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