Michelle Thomson
Total EDMs Signed: 294Signature Breakdown:
Proposed: 2
Seconded: 34
Signed: 258
Has represented Edinburgh West as a Scottish National Party MP since 2015.
Recent Activity
- 26/04/2017 Signed EDM 1203 Motability 40th Anniversary
- 25/04/2017 Seconded EDM 1183 Ivan Wood And Sons
- 25/04/2017 Seconded EDM 1182 Kircaldy Golf Club
- 25/04/2017 Seconded EDM 1181 BRAG Enterprise
- 25/04/2017 Seconded EDM 1180 Zodiac School Of Dance
- 25/04/2017 Seconded EDM 1179 Links Market Kircaldy
- 29/03/2017 Signed EDM 1126 Freshcreations And The National Youth Worker Of The Year Awards
- 29/03/2017 Signed EDM 1124 Social Security
- 23/03/2017 Signed EDM 1103 Spartans Community Football Academy
- 23/03/2017 Seconded EDM 1102 World Down Syndrome Day

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