Peter Grant
Total EDMs Signed: 581Signature Breakdown:
Proposed: 23
Seconded: 86
Signed: 472
Has represented Glenrothes as a Scottish National Party MP since 2015.
Recent Activity
- 19/11/2018 Signed EDM 1855 Tay City Deal Funding
- 12/11/2018 Signed EDM 1825 Remembering HMY Iolaire
- 05/11/2018 Proposed EDM 1803 John Vaughan - Award Of Gold Medal Of Honour From The City Of B?blingen
- 26/10/2018 Proposed EDM 1759 Fife's Award As Most Enterprising Place In The UK
- 17/10/2018 Seconded EDM 1713 Lanark In Bloom
- 17/10/2018 Seconded EDM 1712 Paternity Leave
- 16/10/2018 Signed EDM 1709 Our Workforce, Our Future Report By West College Scotland
- 15/10/2018 Seconded EDM 1703 Challenge Poverty Week 2018
- 15/10/2018 Seconded EDM 1702 Inverness Proud Ness Parade
- 12/09/2018 Seconded EDM 1623 Faifley Art Group 30th Anniversary Exhibition
Historic Activity
Session | Proposed | Seconded | Signed | Total |
2017-19 | 16 | 36 | 154 | 206 |
2016-17 | 1 | 11 | 150 | 162 |
2015-16 | 6 | 39 | 168 | 213 |
Favourite Topics
These are the topics which motions proposed by Peter Grant have been classified into.
Topic | Motions |
Voluntary organisations | 5 |
Western Europe | 3 |
Schools | 3 |

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