Future Of The 11 Plus In England And Northern Ireland
EDM number 481 in 2001-02, proposed by David Chaytor on 27/11/2001.
That this House welcomes the publication by the Northern Ireland Assembly of the Burns Report, including the recommendation that the 11 plus examination be abolished in Northern Ireland; further welcomes the publication by the Department for Education and Skills of 'Delivering Results; A Strategy to 2006', and its commitment to a society that is 'inclusive; creating opportunities and removing barriers to ensure that everyone can fulfil their potential'; notes that the Government's current consultation document on school admissions procedures makes no proposals in respect of selective admissions systems; further notes the continuation of selective systems, in part or totally, in at least 36 English local education authorities; recognises that the overwhelming majority of local education authorities and individual schools have, over more than a quarter of a century, rejected selection by ability as a basis for establishing equality of educational opportunity; is concerned about the relationship between segregated systems of secondary schooling and levels of social exclusion and instability; and therefore calls on the Government to review the legislation governing selective admissions systems.
This motion has been signed by a total of 80 MPs.
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