Andrew Bennett
Total EDMs Signed: 201Signature Breakdown:
Proposed: 3
Seconded: 1
Signed: 197
Represented Denton & Reddish as a Labour MP from 1997 until 2005.
Represented Denton & Reddish from 1983 until 1997.
Represented Stockport North from 1974 until 1983.
Recent Activity
- 15/03/2005 Signed EDM 731 Teachers In Academies
- 15/03/2005 Signed EDM 9 Make Poverty History In 2005 Campaign
- 10/03/2005 Signed EDM 892 Accommodation For Gypsies And Travellers
- 04/03/2005 Signed EDM 578 Madeleine Carroll
- 02/03/2005 Signed EDM 383 London Underground Public Private Partnership
- 01/03/2005 Signed EDM 809 JAMIE'S SCHOOL DINNERS
- 28/02/2005 Signed EDM 551 London Fire Service Cuts
- 24/02/2005 Signed EDM 382 Public Ownership Of The Railways
- 24/02/2005 Signed EDM 669 School Meals And Nutrition
- 24/02/2005 Signed EDM 92 60th Anniversary Of The Liberation Of The Channel Islands
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