Richard Younger-Ross
Total EDMs Signed: 2,883Signature Breakdown:
Proposed: 64
Seconded: 81
Signed: 2,738
Represented Teignbridge as a Liberal Democrat MP from 2001 until 2010.
Recent Activity
- 06/04/2010 Signed EDM 1078 Planning Authorities (Protection Of Local Services) Bill
- 29/03/2010 Signed EDM 1095 Sustainable Communities Act 2007 (Amendment) Bill
- 29/03/2010 Signed EDM 1022 Lives On The Line Campaign
- 29/03/2010 Signed EDM 957 Additional State Pension
- 29/03/2010 Signed EDM 828 Biofuel Targets And The UK National Action Plan
- 25/03/2010 Signed EDM 1037 Large-Scale Dairy Units
- 24/03/2010 Signed EDM 1060 Civil Service Compensation Scheme (No. 2)
- 24/03/2010 Signed EDM 569 Notification By Local Authorities Of Transfer Of Problem Tenants
- 24/03/2010 Signed EDM 212 Access To Human Tissue For Health Research
- 24/03/2010 Signed EDM 29 Safety Of Medicines
Historic Activity
Session | Proposed | Seconded | Signed | Total |
2009-10 | 2 | 4 | 236 | 242 |
2008-09 | 7 | 8 | 238 | 253 |
2007-08 | 11 | 26 | 481 | 518 |
2006-07 | 8 | 9 | 262 | 279 |
2005-06 | 8 | 33 | 525 | 566 |
2004-05 | 4 | 313 | 317 | |
2003-04 | 4 | 201 | 205 | |
2002-03 | 7 | 266 | 273 | |
2001-02 | 13 | 1 | 216 | 230 |
Favourite Topics
These are the topics which motions proposed by Richard Younger-Ross have been classified into.
Topic | Motions |
Service industries | 6 |
Health education and preventive medicine | 3 |

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