Water Fluoridation
EDM number 92 in 1991-92, proposed by Ivan Lawrence on 06/11/1991.
That this House, concerned at the further evidence which has emerged since the passage of the Water Fluoridation Act 1985, from a former principal dental officer for Auckland, that improvements in children's teeth are not closely related to water fluoridation, from a United States study of 84 geographical areas that fluoridation does not reduce tooth decay, from dentists, of discolouration of children's teeth occurring where water is fluoridated to permitted limits, of public fears of the consequences of the Camelford-type fluoride spillage, of the obvious reluctance of water undertakers to risk legal action for accidents without a copper-bottomed Government indemnity, and, aware also of the continuing widespread doubts amongst the public about the long-term safety of fluoride when the total amount ingested and the medical condition and the needs of the individual consumer are unknown, in addition to the serious infringement of individual rights involved in mass medication and the fact that no other country in the European Community, save the Republic of Ireland, artificially fluoridated its drinking water, now calls upon Her Majesty's Government to stop all further addition of this highly toxic chemical to the public drinking water supply in any area of the United Kingdom.
This motion has been signed by a total of 43 MPs.
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