Michael Carr
Total EDMs Signed: 85Signature Breakdown:
Proposed: 5
Seconded: 0
Signed: 80
Represented Ribble Valley from 1991 until 1992.
Recent Activity
- 05/03/1992 Signed EDM 815 Conservative Support For An Independent Pay Review Body For University Staff
- 04/03/1992 Signed EDM 759 Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
- 04/03/1992 Signed EDM 804 Quarantine Regulations
- 03/03/1992 Signed EDM 727 Reform Of The Auditing Industry
- 03/03/1992 Signed EDM 791 South Africa (No. 2)
- 27/02/1992 Signed EDM 534 Education Funding For Ethnic Minorities
- 27/02/1992 Signed EDM 725 Ozone Depletion
- 27/02/1992 Signed EDM 590 CHILDREN'S CHARTER
- 27/02/1992 Signed EDM 543 Ivory Trade Ban
- 27/02/1992 Signed EDM 773 Commercial Rents
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