Number | Title | Signature Date | Signature Type | Proposer | Proposal Date |
2710 | Burma | 17/04/2012 | Signed | Fiona Bruce | 08/02/2012 |
2875 | Vascular Awareness Week 2012 | 15/03/2012 | Proposed | Neil Carmichael | 15/03/2012 |
1954 | Free Range Kids Campaign | 12/03/2012 | Signed | Barry Sheerman | 21/06/2011 |
2755 | Big Switch Campaign | 05/03/2012 | Signed | Tessa Munt | 22/02/2012 |
2538 | Crisis At Christmas | 11/01/2012 | Signed | Mark Field | 13/12/2011 |
2039 | Make Runaways Safe Campaign | 10/10/2011 | Signed | Ann Coffey | 06/07/2011 |
432 | Early Day Motions | 05/07/2011 | Signed | Graham Evans | 07/07/2010 |
1994 | National Autism Society's Great Expectations Campaign | 04/07/2011 | Signed | Annette Brooke | 23/06/2011 |
1475 | Beer Duty Escalator | 04/03/2011 | Signed | Andrew Griffiths | 17/02/2011 |
1318 | Un Women | 16/02/2011 | Signed | Eleanor Laing | 20/01/2011 |
912 | Which? Report On The Great British Savings Scandal | 14/02/2011 | Signed | Lorely Burt | 27/10/2010 |
1438 | Access To Telecommunications For Deaf People | 10/02/2011 | Seconded | Malcolm Bruce | 09/02/2011 |
1269 | Holocaust Memorial Day 2011 | 19/01/2011 | Signed | Penny Mordaunt | 12/01/2011 |
1252 | Fuel Price Stabiliser (No. 2) | 18/01/2011 | Signed | Philip Davies | 11/01/2011 |
1123 | Fish Fight Campaign | 13/01/2011 | Signed | Zac Goldsmith | 02/12/2010 |
210 | Community Public Houses | 04/11/2010 | Signed | Greg Mulholland | 14/06/2010 |
889 | Royal British Legion March For Honour | 02/11/2010 | Signed | Tony Baldry | 25/10/2010 |
499 | House Of Commons Office Allocation | 20/07/2010 | Signed | George Mudie | 14/07/2010 |
112 | Human Rights In Burma | 19/07/2010 | Signed | Nigel Evans | 27/05/2010 |
236 | F40 And Education Funding | 15/06/2010 | Seconded | Robin Walker | 15/06/2010 |
178 | Sustainable Communities Act 2007 Proposals | 08/06/2010 | Seconded | Martin Caton | 08/06/2010 |
143 | Renewable Heat Incentive | 07/06/2010 | Signed | Alan Whitehead | 03/06/2010 |