Royal British Legion March For Honour
EDM number 889 in 2010-12, proposed by Tony Baldry on 25/10/2010.
Categorised under the topic of Armed forces.
That this House notes that on 4 November 2010 four teams of serving and ex-serving individuals from each of Her Majesty's Armed Forces will begin an epic March For Honours, starting in four separate locations across the UK and dedicating a mile for every British military life lost on operations in Iraq and Afghanistan since 2001; further notes that each team will march an average of 30 miles a day and a total distance of 250 miles, wearing military uniform and carrying40 pounds of equipment, uniting along the route and marching into London on 11 November to deliver the Book of Remembrance to the Royal Albert Hall for The Royal British Legion's National Festival of Remembrance; applauds their aim to raise 1 million for The Royal British Legion; and commends The Royal British Legion's continuing hard work in supporting the welfare, interests and memories of the whole armed forces family.
This motion has been signed by a total of 113 MPs, 1 of these signatures have been withdrawn.
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