Gavin Williamson
Total EDMs Signed: 22Signature Breakdown:
Proposed: 2
Seconded: 7
Signed: 13
Has represented South Staffordshire as a Conservative MP since 2010.
Recent Activity
- 12/07/2011 Seconded EDM 2069 Made By Britain Initiative
- 12/07/2011 Signed EDM 432 Early Day Motions
- 20/06/2011 Proposed EDM 1943 Specialist Palliative Care For People With Motor Neurone Disease
- 23/05/2011 Signed EDM 1375 Religious Education And The English Baccalaureate
- 04/04/2011 Seconded EDM 1717 Tristan Da Cunha
- 01/03/2011 Seconded EDM 1516 Future Of The Tote (No.2)
- 31/01/2011 Signed EDM 1355 A Living Wage For Garment Workers
- 20/01/2011 Signed EDM 1143 Humanitarian Situation In Camp Ashraf
- 20/01/2011 Signed EDM 1123 Fish Fight Campaign
- 30/11/2010 Signed EDM 821 Below Cost Selling Of Alcohol
Historic Activity
Session | Proposed | Seconded | Signed | Total |
2010-12 | 2 | 7 | 13 | 22 |

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