Condolences On The Passing Of David Nelson, Glenrothes
EDM number 893 in 2017-19, proposed by Peter Grant on 01/02/2018.
Categorised under the topics of Death and Voluntary organisations.
That this House sends its condolences following the tragic and untimely passing of David Nelson, known as Davie to his friends, a tireless campaigner for the people of Glenrothes and Auchmuty; notes Davie's courageous campaigns against social injustice from the Poll Tax in the 1980s to the so-called bedroom tax more recently; further notes Davie's role in setting up the town's first Tenant's Associations and his unending commitment to the Coal Industries Social and Welfare Organisation which saw him play a pivotal role in setting up its new premises which very recently opened; extends its condolences to his family, Maureen and his children, Vicky and David, and to all of his friends and colleagues; and offers its heartfelt gratitude for all of his efforts in making Glenrothes a better place to live.
This motion has been signed by a total of 19 MPs.

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