Citizens Advice Scotland And Scam Awareness Month
EDM number 84 in 2017-19, proposed by Chris Stephens on 28/06/2017.
Categorised under the topics of Consumers, Crime and Standards.
That this House recognises Scam Awareness Month, which runs from 1 to 31 July 2017; commends the work of Citizens Advice Scotland for raising the profile of this issue and providing expert guidance to people in learning how to identify and avoid becoming victims of scam activity; understands that it is estimated that each year millions of people in the UK are targeted by scammers, yet only five to 15 per cent of scams are reported; notes that underreporting and stigma are the biggest barriers in preventing scams and fraud and therefore raising awareness is key in the fightback against scammers; further notes that there are a huge variety of scams and that Citizens Advice Scotland, as Scotland's consumer champions, will supply guidance throughout July focusing on different demographics and supporting each to protect themselves from scams; and hopes that this awareness campaign reaches a large audience and provides guidance on how to avoid scams as well as support for people who have already been victims.
This motion has been signed by a total of 24 MPs.

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