Retirement Of Manager Of Dumbarton Area Council On Alcohol
EDM number 380 in 2017-19, proposed by Martin Docherty on 11/10/2017.
Categorised under the topics of Alcoholism, Health education and preventive medicine and Voluntary organisations.
That this House thanks Cathie Dennett, the Manager of Dumbarton Area Council on Alcohol (DACA), who is retiring after 25 years of service; notes that DACA is a community-based alcohol service providing advice, information and counselling for people in West Dunbartonshire who are affected by their own or someone else's alcohol-related problems; believes that the invaluable work carried out by the staff and volunteers of DACA is of the upmost importance to those who most need support; and wishes Cathie well on her well-deserved retirement.
This motion has been signed by a total of 18 MPs.

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