30th Anniversary Of Dumbarton And District Women's Aid
EDM number 379 in 2017-19, proposed by Martin Docherty on 11/10/2017.
Categorised under the topics of Charities, Children and families, Crimes of violence and Voluntary organisations.
That this House notes that Dumbarton and District Women's Aid celebrated its 30th anniversary of delivering services to women, children and young people affected by domestic abuse; welcomes the announcement from the Scottish Government that the group has been awarded three years of funding from the Equally Safe Violence Against Women and Girls Fund with a focus on prevention and the continuation of providing direct support to children and young people; and expresses its heartfelt thanks to each and every worker and volunteer of Dumbarton and District Women's Aid for their dedication and support to the local community.
This motion has been signed by a total of 21 MPs.

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