Scottish Wood
EDM number 378 in 2017-19, proposed by Douglas Chapman on 11/10/2017.
Categorised under the topics of Companies, Environmental protection and Forestry.
That this House recognises the contribution made to the West Fife economy and environment by Scottish Wood, a timber processing plant based at Inziewar Woods near Oakley in Dunfermline constituency; notes that Scottish Wood suppllies quality home grown timber, including oak, ash, beech, yew, elm and sycamore from environmentally sustainable sources to ensure the future of local woodlands; commends this not-for-profit enterprise for directing profits raised from the sale of its timber to charity Dynamic Woods which promotes the sustainable development of woodland resources; praises co-ordinators Jim and Margaret Birley for offering training and job opportunities in the timber processing sector; and congratulates Scottish Wood for helping to forge progressive working partnerships between landowners, communities, businesses and environmentalists to further secure the sustainability of woodlands in West Fife.
This motion has been signed by a total of 16 MPs.

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