25th Anniversary Of The Zero Tolerance Campaign
EDM number 217 in 2017-19, proposed by Alison Thewliss on 18/07/2017.
Categorised under the topic of Crimes of violence.
That this House notes that 2017 marks 25 years since the launch of the Zero Tolerance campaign in Scotland; understands that the Zero Tolerance campaign was instigated by Evelyn Gillan, Campaigns Officer at Edinburgh District Council, and initially ran over a six month period in 1992 to highlight the effect of male violence against women; further understands that the campaign received substantial backing by local authorities, charities and third sector organisations across the UK, as well as influencing campaigns to end violence against women in over 25 countries; believes that the Zero Tolerance campaign made a substantial contribution to changing attitudes towards violence against women; pays tribute to the work of Evelyn Gillan and all at Zero Tolerance for its ongoing efforts to tackle violence against women; and calls on the Government to set out its timetable for ratification of the Istanbul Convention at the earliest possible opportunity.
This motion has been signed by a total of 33 MPs.

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