Andy Tsege
EDM number 194 in 2017-19, proposed by Tom Brake on 17/07/2017.
Categorised under the topics of Administration of justice, Africa, International politics and government and Prisons.
That this House expresses grave concern regarding the case of Mr Andy Tsege, a British national who is currently illegally and arbitrarily imprisoned in Ethiopia; expresses its worry for the health and safety of Mr Tsege, who at times has been kept in solitary confinement, has been tortured and ill-treated in detention and has faced attacks in prison; urges the Government to secure the immediate return of Mr Tsege; calls on the Government to ensure that Mr Tsege's case is raised in all private discussions with the Ethiopian authorities to ensure regular consular access in private and contact with his family in London; notes that the Ethiopian Government has said that Mr Tsege is unable to appeal his death sentence and that calls for access to a lawyer for Mr Tsege are not an effective substitute for seeking his immediate return; urges the Government to take a more proactive approach to identifying and intervening in cases where British nationals face human rights violations abroad; and further calls on the Government to state that in all cases regarding British nationals imprisoned abroad, any threat of or actual torture and mistreatment will not be tolerated and will be publicly condemned by the Government.
This motion has been signed by a total of 24 MPs.

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