Terminal Illness And Benefits Eligibility
EDM number 1535 in 2017-19, proposed by Drew Hendry on 17/07/2018.
Categorised under the topics of Benefits policy, Diseases and Sickness, disability and carers' benefits.
That this House notes with concern that many people with terminal illnesses who are expected to live longer than six months cannot claim for benefits under the special rules due to the Department of Work and Pensions' definition of terminal illness which states that eligibility is dependent on whether the claimant can be reasonably expected to die within the next six months; further notes the recommendations made in MND's most recent report that claimants living with diseases that have a rapidly progressive nature should be treated in the same manner as those that have a certified prognosis of death within six months; and urges the Government to remove any time qualification for people that are terminally ill.
This motion has been signed by a total of 43 MPs.

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