Paul Girvan
Total EDMs Signed: 171Signature Breakdown:
Proposed: 0
Seconded: 103
Signed: 68
Has represented South Antrim as a DUP MP since 2017.
Recent Activity
- 27/11/2018 Seconded EDM 1880 Irish Rugby Union Team
- 26/11/2018 Signed EDM 1877 Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month
- 20/11/2018 Seconded EDM 1852 Access To Flash Glucose Monitoring
- 20/11/2018 Signed EDM 1840 Electrical Fire Safety Week
- 20/11/2018 Signed EDM 1833 National Day Of Prayer
- 20/11/2018 Signed EDM 1832 Legalisation Of Medical Cannabis
- 20/11/2018 Signed EDM 1829 Trophy Hunting
- 20/11/2018 Signed EDM 1828 World Diabetes Day On 14 November 2018
- 19/11/2018 Signed EDM 1857 Ni Cancer Drugs Fund Access
- 19/11/2018 Seconded EDM 1856 Feed The Hungry
Historic Activity
Session | Proposed | Seconded | Signed | Total |
2017-19 | 103 | 68 | 171 |

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