70th Anniversary Of Glenrothes New Town
EDM number 1437 in 2017-19, proposed by Peter Grant on 20/06/2018.
Categorised under the topics of Regional planning and development and Social rented housing.
That this House notes that 30 June 2018 marks the 70th anniversary of the establishment of Glenrothes New Town; celebrates the town's growth and success over the years since 1948; records its appreciation of the work by the former Glenrothes Development Corporation (GDC), local authorities, public and third sector bodies, local businesses and the residents of Glenrothes in contributing to the development of the town; commends, in particular, the community activists who successfully campaigned to allow GDC housing tenants to choose to retain their tenancies wholly within the public sector when GDC was formally wound up; further celebrates the town's unique collection of 140 public art works and sculptures, many by former town artist David Harding, including the iconic Hippos which have become synonymous with Glenrothes and which continue to be enjoyed by locals and visitors to this day; recognises the community spirit that has developed in the town and which led to Glenrothes celebrating its 60th anniversary year by winning the overall top prize at the Royal Horticultural Society's Beautiful Scotland awards in 2008; and congratulates the volunteers of Go Glenrothes and many others who are organising the town's 70th anniversary celebrations.
This motion has been signed by a total of 20 MPs.

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