50th Anniversary Of The Occupation Of West Bank, Gaza And Golan Heights
EDM number 131 in 2017-19, proposed by Richard Burden on 05/07/2017.
Categorised under the topics of Housing, International politics and government, Middle East and Military operations.
That this House notes that June 2017 marked 50 years since the Six Day War of 1967 and the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza, as well as the Golan Heights; further notes that a system of military rule over areas of the West Bank has made way for the construction of Israeli settlements, with over 600,000 people in around 200 illegal settlements, and that in the past 50 years some 48,000 Palestinian homes have been demolished; recognises that the ongoing military occupation is a barrier to peace and security for all Israelis and Palestinians; and therefore calls on the Government to demand an end to the 50-year occupation and to recognise the State of Palestine alongside the State of Israel, contributing to securing a negotiated two-state solution in line with the resolution passed by this House on 13 October 2014.
This motion has been signed by a total of 27 MPs.

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