Glasgow Firms Triumph At FSB Awards
EDM number 1204 in 2017-19, proposed by Alison Thewliss on 25/04/2018.
Categorised under the topic of Small businesses.
That this House recognises that three Glasgow-based businesses enjoyed success at the recent FSB Small Business Awards 2018 Scotland Area Final; understands that Cohesion Medical, based in Cessnock, won the Employer of the Year award, Cloud Cover IT, based in Bridgeton, won the Scale-Up Business of the Year award and Kieran Aitken, founder of Orbit Enterprise Education, won the Young Entrepreneur of the Year award; believes that this success underlines Glasgow's strong reputation as a hub for innovation and new business growth; congratulates the managing directors of the businesses, Euan Cameron, Lance Gauld and Kieran Aitken on winning these prestigious awards; and wishes all three businesses every success at the FSB Celebrating Small Business Awards 2018 UK Finals in London in May.
This motion has been signed by a total of 18 MPs.

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