Portrayal Of ADHD And Its Treatment
EDM number 1112 in 2017-19, proposed by Martin Whitfield on 22/03/2018.
Categorised under the topics of Broadcasting, Health services and Mental health.
That this House notes the documentary, Take Your Pills, which has been distributed by Netflix; expresses its strong concern about what it sees as the programme's unbalanced portrayal of ADHD and its treatment; further notes the recent publication of updated NICE guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of the condition and Royal College of Psychiatrists in Scotland's, ADHD in adults: good practice guidelines; and notes the views that there is a need for a more informed understanding of the condition across the country and that taking prescribed medication to treat diagnosed neuro-developmental disorders and mental health conditions is as legitimate as taking prescribed medication to treat physical illness.
This motion has been signed by a total of 32 MPs.

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