Douglas Park Nursery, Largs - Communities And Families Fund
EDM number 97 in 2016-17, proposed by Patricia Gibson on 25/05/2016.
Categorised under the topics of Children and families and Pre-school education.
That this House congratulates Douglas Park Nursery in Largs, North Ayrshire, on recently being awarded £4,604 from The Communities and Families Fund, a joint venture funded by the Big Lottery Fund and the Scottish Government, which seeks to secure the best start in life for children in Scotland; commends the work of The Communities and Families Fund which, with a budget of £6 million, works hard to improve the quality of life for children under eight years of age, and has so far funded 753 grassroots projects across Scotland; and is delighted that the nursery intends to use the funding for outdoor resources and equipment to help encourage children to play outside.
This motion has been signed by a total of 22 MPs.
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