Avondale Community Beekeepers
EDM number 1353 in 2015-16, proposed by Lisa Cameron on 11/04/2016.
Categorised under the topic of Agriculture.
That this House congratulates Avondale Community Beekeepers on winning £20,090 funding from The Big Lottery Fund through the People's Projects; notes that the group wishes to expand its bee sites and acquire a demonstration hive to allow it to safely take bees to schools, nursing homes and other community groups who would not be able to visit the project; commends it on its decision to purchase equipment to breed their own bees and acquire more tools including bee suits to enable external groups to visit its premises; further notes the outstanding community work already being carried out and the inclusive nature of its project; and recognises the hard work and dedication of all involved.
This motion has been signed by a total of 27 MPs.
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